[quote=@Subject Zero] Alright. Since Acer is dealing with some stuff in real life, I'm going to assert my co-gm status and say we need to get this thing moving because of we don't, it's going to die a slow and inglorious death. And I can assure you of one thing, if Nathan James Hunter is going to die, it is going to be FUCKING GLORIOUS!!! But seriously, we've been waiting around for too long and need to get our group doing something so we're heading into the mine to do some 'splorin. Both physical exploration and character exploration...Maybe a little sexual exploration too if Vin's up for it. :brow So anyone we're waiting for a post from should either get it done within the next...I dunno...day or two?...or just adjust whatever your working on. Although meme and dark shouldn't have to adjust too much as there are still Duplinates out in the woods for you to run into. Sorry for rushing you guys but we can't wait around forever. [/quote] No worries. I think we just finished, so they'll be running into a Nate or two soon.