Roland opened his mouth to answer York when all of a sudden the ship they had been observing in the space before flew through the electric blue archway. Roland stared blankly for a moment at the scene. Things just continued to get hairier and hairier, and Roland had never known doorways to other worlds to be benevolent in nature. He had no doubt in his mind that the archway was going to take them somewhere bizarre and probably unpleasant. However, in his experience extended, usually when one of these appeared behind it were answers that he wanted. Or companions. Roland recalled how he had met with Eddie and Susannah. There only choice was to walk through that portal. Roland stood up and fingered the trigger guards on his legendary revolvers. Brandishing them, he spun the seemingly heavy firearms right out of their holsters and to his side. The sight was definitely something one would see in an epic western. Roland finally answered York after digesting the situation fully. [color=palevioletred] "Yes, and these doorways always lead to other worlds." [/color] Roland paused and looked at his two new compatriots before continuing. [color=palevioletred] "And always behind them is some strange form of evil. You need to make sure you are physically able to take this journey with us, or stay here. We can afford to wait no longer. " [/color] Roland said specifically at Ken, who appeared to be internally injured past the extent of his fall. Roland had no intention of babysitting. Giving the two a moment to assess their situation, Roland then motioned with his head (his hands were holding the impressive .45 sandalwood grip revolvers) for the two to come if they were coming. At a run much faster than what he had run before, and one that was astonishingly quick for a 50 year old man, Roland made a break for the portal. He would give the engineer a side long glance, ready to shoot, as he passed him and his turret briefly. Roland plunged himself headlong into the archway. Overcome with a static sensation and then the feeling of being pulled into another place, Roland was transported from the world he woke up in to a brand new one. The aging gunslinger emerged into chaos. In front of him were a group of individuals, likely the ones he had caught a glimpse of walking in, performing various actions. There were two seemingly demonic being attacking...little mushroom people... and an orange crystalline being rolling into hideous little bipedal [i]things.[/i] and humanoid turtles. This was a little bit too much for the old man. He looked up to observe even more fantastic events. The ship he had seen when he woke up had taken quickly to dog fighting. Giant wooden ships, some smoking with damage, were suspended in the air via simple propellers dropping bombs upon the foreign landscape. Roland tried to take it all in...a huge impact was heard behind him. Doing a quick 360 (unwise considering there were potential foes at his back) he witnessed a massive wreckage engulfed in fire where one of the wooden ships had just crashed into the forest. He would quickly turn around with an estranged look in both of his eyes as both of his companions should've been emerging through the gate. This was truly bizarre. Roland knew that there were other worlds than his, but worlds like this? This did not appear to be magic that The Man In Black was capable of, however he could not rule out magic. Roland stood amongst the chaos with his two comrades knowing not what to do or where even to start. Roland could not even figure out who to point his guns at. [@BringBack1996] [@DeathXtheXTree]