Any progress Rupal though he had made on the connection between the dream and curfew was lost to the bar once it had regained its vigor. Raised voices and clattering furniture assailed any coherent thoughts and mixed themselves in with his own thoughts muddling them. Placing his now empty drink on the table he pushed himself up from his seat and began weaving throughout the crowd careful not to bother anyone any longer then he had to. Paying for his drinks and escaping the confines of the busy bar Rupal took a deep breath he did know he needed. From the nearby railing he could see the rest of the town inside the large tree. His pack weighed heavily on his back, much like a nagging thoughts reminding him of why he was here. He wasn’t sure what he could learn from a Sol Blacksmith, however if the smith here had anything to do with that Seraphim’s armor there would be plenty to be pick up. He had only ever worked on repairing the armor sent to the old smith in Peal, never actually having crafted a set from raw materials. The bustle from people moving up and down the path was far more calming than the inside of the bar. The sounds had a sense of purpose and felt deliberate rather messy brawl of noise that would fight amoungst itself for attention. The market itself was easy enough to find with a bit of wandering and he could only imagine the Blacksmith wouldn’t be much too far from it. A loud clatter and metal ringing out pierce the noise of the market making itself known. A few of the wares from the store the sound had emanated from rolled around the base of the table. The remains of what could only have been a small jug or mug hung off an obviously drunk Gaian soldier armor. The handle rested in the grip of a large Nayu looking man towered over them despite having hunched over in a defensive stance. Rupal stood there stunned he couldn’t recall the last time he’d seen anyone strike a Gaian soldier, much less one that stuck around to see what happened. He wasn’t sure why but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the huge man’s horns, or lack thereof. The bases looked as though had been rather crudely cut and then filed, it reminded him of something though like most of his other thoughts today it escaped him. He could only sit on and watch he had no idea who was at fault here. Perhaps his mother's name held some sway with the guards, that might be enough to get them to stop however he had nothing to stop the big guy. Even more challenging than that he would have to some both interrupt them and get their attention. Still not one to stand by he swung his bag down and started rifling through for his papers keeping. The action would prove futile, as the merchant seemed to diffuse the situation as send the guard on their way. Her scolding struck him as odd why would Gaian Soldiers answer to the captain of the guard in Sunfire? If they did, it meant they would know more about this curfew and it was a whole lot easier to approach Gaian guards then the Vrondi ones. [color=00a651]“E-excuse me-e!”[/color] he stammered trying to stuff his gear back into his bag and keep up with them at the same time.