[centre][h1] Fallout: Apocalypse[/h1][/centre] [h2][centre] [color=fff200]ACT I[/color] [/centre] [/h2] [h2][centre] [color=fff200]WAY BACK HOME[/color][/centre] [/h2] [youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSBco8kVuZM [/youtube] The air tasted of ash. The city streets littered with death and decay. The once towering towers of business and leisure now stand at half-mast, their surfaces scarred and torn. The once great city of Denver now lays in atomic ruin. Rad storms are a frequent occurrence in most areas. Those unlucky enough to find themselves caught in these storms would develop radiation poising and horrible cancers that still haven’t been given names. Scanning these streets were EYE-Bots. Their programed paths were unwavering and their blue and yellow paint jobs had faded over the many years. They were searching the ruins for any sign of life, but there was very little to be found. Roughly seven miles south east, depths under the earth and soil rested Vault 216. – An Ark-Vault. [hr] Loading…Loading… Complete. Are we almost done? Have our years of research finally found a solution to gene-repair? Yes. Soon we will send them to Ark Prime.