Sta'l wiped the side of his face with a napkin and sat back in his chair as he looked down at the remains of the Rokeg blood pie that he had found surprisingly good and at the remains of the Denevan plum pudding which while good, simply wasn't as good as his mother's recipe. [i]Note to self: Continue tweaking the replicator. Eventually I'll get it right. Should see if I can get some other klingon recipes programmed in this thing. Maybe Heart of targ.[/i] He thought to himself as he looked at the time and saw that he was due to be in engineering in a few minutes. The Romulan rose to his feet and headed for the door and a few moments later found himself in the turbo-lift. "Main Engineering." He said simply. The lift began to move and Sta'l began to think about his duty shift even as the lift made an odd whistling noise that subsided after a few moments. [i]Note to self: Find out what that was.[/i] He thought as he stepped out of the turbo-lift and headed down the corridor and into main engineering. [i] home away from home[/i], He thought with a smile as he took a quick look at the nearby terminals and saw nothing amiss.