[center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/bbcab2e382d409a71f2356b239723f99/tumblr_inline_no8fn9fA9d1swd02j_500.gif[/img] [h1]Rɪʟᴇʏ Lʏɴɴ Kʜᴀɴɢ[/h1] [img]http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0155/9395/files/Divider_large_red_large.png?1590[/img][/center] [color=bd3939][i]"Well, I'm from around here. Just not from around here. If that makes sense."[/i][/color] Riley explained to Carmen. Not many knew too much about the Hmong culture, but Riley had no problem explaining it. [color=bd3939][i]"The Hmong people are mountain people from a few of the Asian countries. My family is from Thailand specifically, but they can be from China, Laos, and Vietnam."[/i][/color] Riley explained shortly. There was a lot more information there to explain but, that small explanation would do for now. [color=bd3939][i]"Don't apologize for your gaps, I have them too!"[/i][/color] Riley insisted. [b]"In a sea of struggles, fools like us cannot swim alone."[/b] Carmen said, her hand patting Riley's shoulder. Riley could have wrapped her arms around Carmen and give her a hug right there and then. She decided against it though, knowing that it would be quite awkward. However, the statement really hit home with her. Eventually the group moved towards the assembly, Riley kept a soft smile upon her lips. It was turning out to be a good first day so far. The pink haired girl from earlier eventually introduced herself as Cloe, and where she had come from. Though her heavy accent was a dead giveaway for that. She seemed nice enough, albeit a bit shy. Riley gave a wave, and gave her own name as well as a generic [color=bd3939][i]"Welcome to the school!"[/i][/color] type statement. Trying to make the girl a little less nervous Riley decided to give her a compliment, [color=bd3939][i]"I love your hair by the way. I'd totally dye mine the same color but my mom almost killed me when I did this."[/i][/color] she pointed to her unnatural red hair and smirked. She was thankful her mother was more worried about appearances and let the girl keep up the dye job so that the awkward roots stage of hair wouldn't be a issue. The crowd began funneling into the two doors leading into the assembly hall. People often knocked into one another and sometimes pushing became more than accidents. A boy came fumbling through and knocked David's camera from his hands. Riley let out an audible gasp before the boy caught the camera. She knew if he hadn't David would have been not only pissed off but devastated. Her heart rate regulated as the boy handed it back to David. [b]"Know him?"[/b] Carmen asked. Riley shook her head and parted her lips before Jack interrupted and answered the question for her. She didn't know him, nor did anyone in their group know him. Which unless you were really good at blending in with the crowd- meant you were new to the school. Making a side comment to Carmen, Riley spoke, [color=bd3939][i]"Let's hope if he sits with us he doesn't knock us off the bleachers."[/i][/color] she playfully teased, giving the girl a soft nudge.