[quote=@ReaptheMusic] [@Stitches]technically, none of them know each other though. If we didn't refer to them vaguely, it wouldn't be in character. That being said, a more descriptive approach would be beneficial. Such as "the short, pointy toothed oni woman" or "the red parasol bearing oni" etc. [/quote] Oh, I never meant in the dialogue. I just meant in the narrative. Unless that is what you mean, in which case that's the main issue where I tend to get really, really confused. Yes, it is a bit annoying because it's metagaming - Zashiki doesn't know anyone's name yet at all - but for the sake of clarity I use the character names just so everyone's clear on who I'm talking to. I've seen some people mention player names in previous posts too, that helped out a lot. If not, I'm stuck trying to figure out who's doing what during my breaks and run out of time to type things. :<