[quote=@User] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQNpO-5iIjl0320a8DATnrOXiJ0ma0w7EtKOTEdqdOn-Ju22Sau[/img] Name: 'Skully' (Real name is Rickard Dunwhich) Age: 29 Gender: Male Profession: Corporal Nationality: Scottish, EU Birth Planet: Earth Appearance: A large, muscular man. About 6' 2 with closely cropped hair that is done in a spiked hairstyle. He has lots of tattoos up and down his arms, most of it is squad mates he has lost. He has a corporal insignia tattooed on his upper right arm, near his shoulder. he is normally seen in his battle armour while on duty, with a permanently strapped revolver (Name will be added when I know about weapons in more detail) to his side, along with a Taser. His most notable feature would be tattooed skull on his face, giving him the name of skully. While at battle he will wear a skull bandanna but if that is lost or taken off you can see the tattooed black eye sockets, the teeth on his lips. The sunken cheeks and temple. Strengths: [b][i]Very Strong: [/i][/b]His strength comes from the long hours he spends at the gym, though he isn't over muscular. He is in fit shape and can lift at-least double his body weight. [b][i]Master of Arms:[/i][/b] He is very experienced with all manner of weapons, be that a large rifle, his trusty revolver or a shock baton. He can use them all to the best of his ability, which is to a pretty dang good amount. He is a excellent sharpshooter with them all and can be relied on in almost any situation. Weaknesses: [u][b]Plagued by his lost friends:[/b][/u] Skully has been in the army for a long time, he has seen some things that can turn milk sour. It has made him better for it. But one thing that haunts him to this day is the screams and the faces of the friends he has lost. The times when a man’s legs were blown clean off when he stepped on a mine or when a new Jarhead gets hit by a stripper machine gun and is pulled to shreds. Those are what haunt him, leading to nightmares. [b][u]Bossy and Over Confident:[/u][/b] Given how many years he has at war, the people he has killed and the men he has lost. he believes that he is a pro at war. He inst. he will overextend his boundary's, give out commands he has no ideas if they will work. All on the idea that he knows better than everyone else. This also extends to science, though he knows nothing of science. He will pretend he knows it all to seem smart. Personality: A over confident son of a bitch. He is fully aware that he is good and experienced, and that will be his downfall. He is a terrible flirt, going as far as continue harassing ladies after they have made signs they don’t like him. A Bawdy man, always has a rude joke or a sexualised story to tell from his years in the force and different countries. He is a heavy partyer and when he drinks he drinks hard. The only person he can’t best by a mile is the Sergeant, but even that is a close call sometimes. History: Born in Aberdeen to a poor family, Rickard had a hard upbringing. The estate he lived on was frequented by the police and beatings were a common place. Home life was bad for him as a child, he father was a drunk womaniser who would always be out at night and his mother, besotted with sadness over her husband, was a junkie with needle and nose. He was the middle child of half brothers and sisters of whom were all trouble makers. At the first chance he had, he enlisted in the military as a rifleman following his older brothers. From there he moved up the ranks until he hit corporal. Though experienced enough for Sergeant, the men of office don’t believe him to be fit for command so have sent him on reserve missions into hells greatest depths hoping to get him killed. Family: His mother and father died in an explosion from a car bomb and all but one of his siblings have died at war. His one sibling is Lieutenant Thomas Dun which. The only one of them that has not died and progressed high in the ranks… Even if it’s just an office commission. [/quote] [@FortunesFaded]Done