This is a CS. [hider=Stun] [b]Name:[/b] Stun [b]AKA:[/b] / [b]Age:[/b] 138 [b]Race:[/b] [i]Pho Arghos[/i] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Faction:[/b] Marauder [b]Role in Team:[/b] Marauder, First Strike Specialist [hider=Bio] Stun's existence started like that of every Pho Arghos - thrown into life, fully adult and ready for a war that was already a forgotten relic of the past. After the initial years of integration ended, the Pho Arghos scattered all over the universe, and so did Stun. The integration program set a group of Arghos up as a security task force for commercial frighters, but after a few years the company went bankrupt, and the hybrids had to reorganise. Stun served as an enforcer in a small private army for about a decade, before being hired as a personal bodyguard for a Yhei scientist. This only lasted a few months however, as the lab was attacked and overrun by an organised group of marauding pirates. They killed nearly everyone, but took great interest in the hybrid guard that had decimated several of their squads, before ceasing all resistance after the death of its Yhei protégé. Being part of the Vah'Jra Yan, a marauding band of pirates that fought small-scale wars against other military groups and law-enforcers describes the longest part of Stun's life. During the time in their guerilla raid squads, Stun witnessed the ascension and fall of three generations of pirate leaders, perfectly content to simply continue existing as a valued raid troop member. The hybrid refused to rank up beyond a role as second-in-command, to avoid responsibility and the often unhealthy competition among its power-hungry pirate mates. Decades of fighting every conceivable battle and foe turned the Pho Arghos into an experienced veteran, but also fed its ego way past the point of healthy confidence. And so Stun never saw the end of the Vah'Jra coming, when their zealous leaders ran their entire fleet into the grinder. When the pirate group was shattered by only a fraction of the military forces of the galactic committee, Stun was smart enough betray some of its pirate comrades, using them as a distraction to disappear in the chaos of burning space ships. But the Arghos was not fit for an entirely independent life, so it started working as a hired gun for merchants and smugglers soon after, staying in the shallow waters of mildly illegal commerce. To Stun's great humiliation, the galactic law eventually caught up. By sheer coincidence, no less. One unlucky day, several years after the downfall of the Vah'Jra, the Arghos ran into some old pirate 'friends'. Coincidentally they were the exact 'friends' Stun had 'persuaded' to help facilitate it's escape back then. The pirates were not happy about their reunion with the Arghos who essentially left them with their pants down on the wreckage of their burning pirate fleet. While the hybrid ended the ensuing brawl fairly quickly, it did so right in front of the law's ever-observant eye. They managed to connect the Pho Arghos to its old reputation, and suddenly Stun's charges went from double homicide to capital war crimes. But Stun didn't want to stop existing. So it chose the only acceptable option - borderline-suicidal space exploration. And they even allowed the Arghos to keep it's rifle, so life really wouldn't be any worse than before. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Like most Arghos, Stun is a rational, calculating and stoic creature. It likes efficiency and sympathises with people who think practical, as it considers most other races 'too emotional'. That being said, Stun isn't always the most efficient individual itself and likes to ask a lot of unnecessary questions, particularly when confronted with unfamiliar things. Unlike most Arghos however, it also developed a fairly healthy ego and a cryptic sense of humor that often rubs people the wrong way. Stun has no moral compass to speak of and considers the lifes of non-mission-essential individuals objectively worthless, which usually causes a healthy dose of distrust in others. It will however fight valiantly, zealously even if the life of an important squadmate or superior is in danger. While not exactly evasive, the hybrid doesn't go out of it's way to bond with people or the crew of the Monroe. Like all Arghos, it hates AIs and has a particular dislike for non-Arghos technology. [b]Weapon:[/b] Stun carries one of the customised Pho-Rifles the Pho Arghos are known for. This beast of a weapon fires small, corrosives projectiles made of biomass that eat through non-regenerative armor coating and sear flesh. It can fire in a shotgun-like pattern or in full auto bursts, but due to its low effective range and precision the weapon is best used at short distances. [b]Star-fighter?:[/b] None. In fact, Stun is practically unable to fly at all. [b]Family/Relationship?:[/b] Pho Arghos society does not encourage family structures. Being relatively new to the Monroe-crew, there are no bonds to speak of. [b]Other:[/b] Stun is surprisingly effective at hand-to-hand combat. It also loves cats. Finally, Stun has no specific gender, since its race is entirely genderless and unable to reproduce. It also doesn't care about how it is addressed, so whatever the Monroe crew comes up with is fine. [/hider] Also, since this is a 'custom' race, here's the run-down of the [i]Pho Arghos[/i]: [hider=Race: Pho Arghos] This alien race did not come into existence through evolution, but biomechanical engineering. It was first discovered on a giant industrial space station that supposedly doubled as a mass-production factory for this species. The technology aboard the station was so mysteriously complex and unidentifiable that many believe it was intentionally damaged and rendered useless by its unknown creators for unknown reasons. Although all attempts at extracting data about its creators or bringing the production lines back to life failed, the massive warehouses contained several batches of an unknown, dormant life form. Scientists discovered that this life form was based on a unique combination of adaptive anorganic materials and biological cells that contained genetical fingerprints of several known and unknown alien races, some of which were confirmedly extinct. It was obvious that someone had set up mass manufactoring for an army of hybrid soldiers, but never finished the first stages of production. Although there were only theories about who could have built this factory and for whatever purpose, the committee decided that this race was too precious and unique to be destroyed, specifically since they were the genetical inheritors of several extinct species. A grand-scale project was initiated to activate, study and integrate the life form named Pho Arghos, a reference to the factory station named "Pho", with "Arghos" loosely translating to "sentinel". Pho Arghos generally have a stoic, calculative and practical character, but despite being mechanical hybrids, they operate on a biological brain and do have individual personalities. Their unique physiology allows them to theoretically live forever, since their cells don't age. Their bodies are flexible yet robust, and able to reproduce anorganic materials that are part of their anatomy. This actually allows them to "heal" from terrible damage that would easily be lethal to other creatures, although this happens very slowly if an individual is unable to move and feed. Another downside is that conventional medical care is almost completely ineffective on them - once sufficiently disabled, they're at the mercy of their foes/allies. They can live off of organic and anorganic material alike but don't require too much if they don't have to regenerate. What Pho Arghos do not excel at are character traits like compassion and ambition, which they were specifically designed to lack. With those natural limiters to their cultural and social development, as well as their inability to reproduce, the hybrid race has scattered all over the universe. Many of them haven't seen another of their kind in decades, and while they don't actively seek out this type of company, they treat each other with absolute respect - Pho Arghos will never fight against one another, no matter the circumstances. Despite their hybrid nature and often being mistaken for robots, Pho Arghos typically have a strong dislike for AIs of any kind and aren't overly fond of computer interfaces and excessive technology, which generally causes them to be unfit as pilots and hackers. Controversely, they have collectively developed their own "brand" of technology, that usually entails them stripping down and disassembling other existing technology. They then typically recombine the pieces, adding some of their own adaptive organic and anorganic matter into not-so-crude weaponry that is effectively similar to plasma weaponry. In fact, the amount of detail and care they put into tinkering and improving these "Pho-weapons" implies that this might be the closest thing to a "hobby" an Arghos can have. Most of them work as mercenaries, bodyguards or security personnel, and lacking a moral compass of any kind they are not overly picky with their employers. Their robust nature turns them into the perfect brawn-type combatant, but there are cases of Pho Argos specialising in all sorts of different combat roles. The thing they will never be competitive at are diplomacy, politics, leadership or intrigue. [/hider]