[@Avanhelsing] My plan is mostly something that happened 10-15 years before the current date where military contracted set an endless horizon for a genetic corporation. They tried to make something capable of filling seats in a frigate, mostly through simulations...something with a sense of judgement beyond artificial intelligence. What they got was dismantled from the inside out as their creations realized they got the shit-end of the stick and now they form an upstart piracy threat. Because of this, such experimentation is a protected government trade(I imagine). The Humanis Coalition (Humanity and its archtypes) are working to undo this mistake which had lead to piracy within the Terran system and its neighbors. Attempting to start something in that direction out of an experiment would be questionably illegal and certainly unsalable, but the accident drew attention and cost someone their life. Who better to make an example of than Nate for trying?