[u][center][b][h3][color=Chocolate]Penelope "Penny" Copper[/color][/h3][/b][/center][/u][center][sub]Interacting With: Vincent[/sub][/center][hr] In one of the train cars was a trio of guards, one by the door, and two on either side of a short girl. Penelope sat between the two soldiers, who were large men that could easily restrain her if she acted out... again. Her first outburst, a few hours before, had been the assaulting of a guard her was trying to push her around. She'd punched him, and probably bruised her knuckles. Now she sat with both hands cuffed behind her back. She absently rubbed the middle knuckle on her right hand, where she'd hit the guard. As she did, she stared blankly into the black cloth that had been tied over her eyes. The blindfold wasn't a punishment; in fact, it was actually meant to help Penny. Her hypersensitive eyes absorbed several times more light than the normal human eye, already. When she'd fought the guard, she taken a rifle-butt to the head, which she felt had given her a concussion and made her eyes twice as sensitive. Should she take the blindfold away, her eyes would probably hurt so bad it would knock her out. This fact left Penny completely okay with sitting in the dark. The darkness allowed Penny to better drown out the other distractions that her genetic enhancements forced her to be confronted with - Every heart beat in the train car, every, every sob, every single person that breathed quickly and heavily. She heard them, but fortunately, she'd been able to block them, so for now they were only white noises in the back of her mind. [color=chocolate]"We there yet?"[/color] She asked, her voice masked by the noticeably Irish accent that she'd inherited from her father. Without warning, the guard to her left elbowed her in the ribs. [b]"Shut up, kid."[/b] Said the guard on the right. Despite her lack of vision, she knew exactly where everyone in the train car was. She knew the guard at the door was six-and-a-half feet away; Penny could smell his cologne - cheap. She could envision herself sitting between the two large guards, who both held their rifles against their tactical vests. She knew this because every few minutes, one of them would shift, the metal of their weapons clicking against the steel rings on their gear. The one that had snapped at her, the guard on the right, was currently tapping his fingers against his left finger. No one else would hear the tapping over the rumble of the train and the moans of the other prisoners, but Penny heard each tap of his leather gloves against his cotton pants. Frankly, it was absurdly annoying. [color=Chocolate]"Can you stop tapping, please?"[/color] She chimed a moment later. She could hear the man's fingers stop, and his breath catch. He was about to say something, but decided not to waste his time. Pleased with the absence of the incessant tapping, Penny leaned back against the car wall, trying to bide the time until they reached wherever they were headed... Hours later, when the train stopped for the last time, everyone was shuffled off of the train. The two guards led Penny out and into the large courtyard. She listened through the man's speech, but didn't really care about he was saying. It was all an attempt to get them to see the government as anything less-than an enemy. This attempt would have no affect on Penny. Her strong of opinion of the government was set in stone, and no posh speech would change her mind. Especially not when she stood in handcuffs, surrounded by guards in a crowd of people that wreaked of dirt and petrol. As one of the guards reached around her head and removed the blindfold, Penny squinted, so as to lessen the impact of the light around her. The light, smell of dirt, and overload of people murmuring, did very little to ease her pain. The guard nudged her shoulder, prompting her to look at him. [b]"Keep quiet or I'll shove this in yer mouth."[/b] He said, wagging the blindfold toward her. [color=Chocolate]"I'd salute you, but my hands are a tad preoccupied."[/color] She bantered, sending a cross look upon the guards face. He looked ready to follow up on his threat, but instead he reached into his chest pocket and produced a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31mogF-JyuL._AC_UL160_SR160,160_.jpg]pair of red-tinted sunglasses[/url], and placed them on her face. She felt a welcome relief when the red shades of the sunglasses decreased a good portion of the glare from the light around them area. The guard nudged her forward, following the flow of the prisoners. When they reached the large cell block, the guard unlocked her hand cuffs and threw a set of clothes into her hands. She gave the guard one last glare and then continued into the cells. She found an open bunk, near a couple kids that seemed to be conversing. She stripped to her undergarments, not really caring who looked at her, and unfolded the clothes she'd been given. She slid the grey shirt over her torso, sighing when she saw that it reached her knees. The sleeves were long, and hung a few inches past her hands. [color=chocolate]"Jaysus, how'd they manage to give me Goliath's clothes?"[/color] She muttered. She turned and spotted a guy on the lower bunk across from her. His tight shirt showed off his large torso, but it was more of a small-tight than a muscular-tight. [color=chocolate]"Oi!"[/color] She called to him. [color=Chocolate]"Help me out, mate? You're big I'm... not as big... maybe we could exchange shirts? Half the other people in'a room are, so maybe we could, ya know, do the same?"[/color]