[i][color=Gold]////Reboot sequence started\\\\ ////Please standby\\\\ ////Progress 25%..35%..45%..75%..99%..Reboot competed\\\\ ////Starting systems\\\\[/color][/i] With a flicker Mizn reactivated with all his systems coming back online the Automaton didn't need them to see he is on a different world. With his locomotive systems back online it swiftly stood up. Even without any advance scanners Mzin recognized that he was no longer on the planet it was originally on. [color=Gold]'This is not a sun blasted desert world,'[/color] Mizn though to as it took out a survey probe programming it to scan the area. After a minute the probe relaid a map of the surrounding area making a nearby structured. Hoping to find intelligent life the automaton found a blue arch with two humans by it. [color=Gold]'Good I can get some answers'[/color] with that Mzin approached the two organics. [color=Gold]"Greetings humans I need information on this planet."[/color] The automaton said as he approached the arch.