Twas a strange ordeal that chanced upon Sir Eglamour. This was supposed to be a simple horseback trot into the woods for the game of sport preceding a spot of jousting; yet the situation that Sir Eglamour of Artois would find himself in was not the leisurely expedition he was intending upon. For Fortuna had found it fit to weave an altered path for the knight to trudge upon. His hands held the reins of his steed as they entered the otherworld. Trotting forwards, Sir Eglamour turned his head towards the right and then towards the left. He took a mental note of the scenery. There were peaceful plains, a castle in the distance, serf huts were charred and of course the faerie creatures that seemed to inhabit the area. They stood naught taller than but a boy and their brows were consumed by monstrous fungi swarms. [color=fbd324]"Straunge."[/color] Sir Eglamour of Artois mumbled aloud as he continued to lead his horse onwards [color=fbd324]"Meseems I needs to aspien mine path bak hom-ward."[/color] This thought was halted as Sir Eglamour heard a loud and destructive force from above. [color=fbd324]"Yoicks!"[/color] cried out the knight as he peered skywards. The knight saw multitudes of dragons, presumably fighting each other for territorial dominance and to capture the hoard of the ones defeated. These airships were far too futuristic and technologically advanced for any sort of recognition as anything other than a dragon for the knight. They were large, flying and they were making loud and destructive noises. As such these contraptions clearly had to be dragons. Certainly there was an expression of astonishment under his helmet, especially when he saw the one dragon start crashing down towards the woods. Quickly he pressed upon his horse as it began moving at a quicker gait and traveling towards the woods. Sir Eglamour drew his lance and his shield as his horse charged forth. His trusty steed passed onward into the woods. [color=fbd324]"Ivel dragoun have at ye!"[/color] he hollered out as he began stabbing at the wrecked air-ship in order to make sure it was slain. After all even in the realm of the faeries, dragons were foul creatures that needed to be slain.