Hello, I'm somewhat experienced as a roleplayer looking for people to roleplay with. I'm also, as of recently, been fast at responding, but I do have moments where I cant respond due to school (I'm a college student.. yay). [color=8493ca]~[/color]Im not too big on formalities so if you don't have much (or if you do I can learn to whatever your writing style is) anything is fine by me. [color=8493ca]~[/color]I can roleplay anything, I'm good male/female. [color=8882be]~[/color]If you have anything you are dying to roleplay bring the idea by me and I will be more than happy to write with you. [color=8493ca]~[/color]If you want to roleplay but have no ideas, well I have a notebook full of them, and no I'm not in the mood to type every since one I have.. I will not be able to post this in this life time. But please PM and we can talk about a few, give me an interested and I will see what I have for it. [color=8882be]~[/color] Have it be said that I am really dyslexic and I don't take kindly (me or my eyes) to those who have a lot of typing mistakes, yes here and there is fine but please don't have it be so many where I can't make out what is trying to be said. Other than that I'm not too picky on what the idea is so please feel free to PM if you want :)