[@Scrapula] [@clanjos] "Oh...Really?" The lead Koopa said in surprise to Haruki's devil may care attitude. In the back, a small group of Koopas did their best to hide a net they had been intending on tossing over the two odd creatures in front of them. If they were willing to come of their own accord, it would be for the best not to agitate them. The head Koopa quickly cleared his throat. "I-I mean of course! The king will happy to give you an audience," the Koopa said, more or less talking out of his rear as his group surrounded Haruki and Harvey, looking like a true guard "come, we shall escort you there." ------------------------------- Sir Eglamour charged forward past retreating Toads, the crashing battleship impacting the ground with a very audible crash. Some explosions occurred thanks to leftover bob-bombs still inside, the ship breaking apart on impact. Debris were scattered everywhere, crashing atop already wrecked and charred houses. Eglamour's dragon sat, somewhat on fire but functional in that the canons still could fire. And the crew still on board took advantage of that, firing cannonballs every which way they could. They had been instructed to fire on any Toad, knowing they could very well be part of the resistance, and they followed these orders to the tee. "Hellllllllp!" Cried a voice from a nearby building, more than likely catching the knight's attention. A quick glance over would let him see one of the disheveled houses, but with a pair of Toads that had been a bit slow getting away from the wreckage. One of them was unconscious, buried under the ruble of their own home with a female friend of his trying to unearth him. The going was slow, slow enough for several of the gunners of the ship to emerge. A little over a handful in total, the Koopas withdrew into their shells and the Goombas hopped atop, riding over to the downed pair of Toads. What they intended to do them could not have been good. [@Blight Bug] ------------------------------ [@Deathxthextree] [@eemmtt] York watched as Roland went through the portal, hesitating for a moment to glance over to Ken. He still looked less than a hundred percent, something York easily took note of. He tapped out the ashes on the end of his cigarette, briefly wondering if Ken should really come with him. Things seemed relatively calm here, and it'd likely be best for him to recover at least from the concussion. It was a good thing York hesitated on going through the portal too. Otherwise, he wouldn't have seen the incoming AI at all. York quirked his eyebrow as the hulking machinery approached, eyes flicking up and down Mizn briefly. Another non hostile machine by his mind's eye, perhaps even more so when he took into account the Third Law of Robotics. That was assuming he wasn't dealing with a particularly polite rogue. [color=708090]"Your guess would be as good as mine,"[/color] York explained to Mizn, shaking his head [color=708090]"though I'm guessing this portal is our best bet for some answers."[/color] He turned his attention to Ken briefly, York's usual straight face taking on a bit of concern for the kid. [color=708090]"Now, if you feel like you can keep up, you can come. But that was a nasty fall you had earlier, so if you don't think you can I'd understand. Now then...If you'll excuse me, I suppose Roland is wondering what's taking me."[/color] York finished, turning on his heel and approaching the portal slowly. Roland's words played in his mind, how apparently these things always led to some great evil. If that were the case...Well, he and Zach had dealt with worse. York would persevere. He stepped through the portal, not looking behind him to see if Ken and Ainz followed. It didn't take York long to at least recognize the odd creatures running around him this time. Video games weren't something York was fully familiar with, but it was hard not to recognize Toads, Goombas, and Koopas. Images of the phrase 'Your Princess is in Another Castle' briefly flashed through his head as to the untrained eye York looked completely numb to the chaos around him. In truth, he merely assessed the situation. He assumed anything or anyone that looked out of place were in the same boat as Roland and him, putting him in league with a large skeleton with an angel doing her best parrot impression on his shoulder, a large orange being who seemed content to pound upon Koopas and Goombas alike, and...Darth Vader. [color=708090]"Well, at least we have powerful allies Zach. Though perhaps we may not fully be on the side of good this time."[/color] York commented dully, noting rather suddenly that Roland wasn't exactly looking very trigger happy at the moment. He could recognize sensory overload when he saw it, and Roland had it written all over his face and body language. He needed direction, and York...Well, he was there. He placed a hand on Roland's shoulder, withdrawing his own pistol from within his dress coat. [color=708090]"Fire on the turtles and the brown mushrooms."[/color] He stated simply before doing just that, his bullets finding Koopa and Goomba alike. They fell down, several Koopas retreating to their shells as they watched their brethren fall around them. This just made it easier for Jasper to knock them around of course, sending more and more mooks to their doom by the second.