The boisterous nature of the overly muscle-bound hunter caused a bit of a pained smile to creep its way onto Mamoru's face. While he couldn't deny the skill of the hunter so aggressively calling him over, to call himself Yama was... Well, a little pretentious, wasn't it? Even so, though, information was information, and playing along meant little mre to him that a simple stroking of the man's ego. "Yes, yes, coming," he responded, casually taking a seat near the three men as he waited for his own chance to cut in. He knew the dangers in hunting beasts, of course, but a single creature taking out three men already...? "So... It's 'awakened' in that sense, then? Or was it just a bunch of unlucky travelers? One dead man is usually a fluke, but two or three seems a tad unlikely unless there's some other forces at play here," he reasoned to the hunters, looking over the notice once again. "Regardless, if three people have been killed, then I would expect a larger bounty. Unless... There's a reason that people are keeping quiet about it?" If that was truly the case, then there was something much more important than just 'bear hunt' going on here...