These turtle guys were probably not trustworthy. Harvey didn't care. They might rob him and his new partner of all their Mags and probably try to sell them off as slaves. Harvey didn't care. They were a most likely benign gang, they were leading Harvey straight to their leader, and they weren't human. That was all Harvey cared about. [color=turquoise]"No problems here,"[/color] Harvey calmly remarked, [color=turquoise]"let's go see the king."[/color] Harvey spared a glance at the troopas surrounding him. They were undoubtedly going to attack him. They would stuff him in a sack, and drag him to their king, and the king would turn into a Joy Mutant and kill everyone, because that's exactly how this day was turning out to be. Harvey didn't care. He'd go stomp out those lunatics that chased him here on his own time, on his own terms. Probably. More likely, they'd end up getting themselves killed trying to take down one of the big warlords. Vega Van Dam, or Rex Thunderstorm, or maybe even Lardy Hernandez. Yeah, this wasn't his problem. All he'd have to do is chill out with these guys' leader for a bit, maybe recruit a few dudes to work in his gang, and get back to gettin' back. [color=turquoise]"Oh! Hey, Haruki![/color] Harvey whispered into Harvey's ear as he waited, [color=turquoise]"How'd you feel about a little business partnership with me? I lost my old buddies, and Olathe ain't safe alone, you know?"[/color]