[center][h1][color=ec008c]Ira Riese:[/color] [color=dodgerblue]PRT Headquarters[/color][/h1][/center] Tulpa extended her hand towards Epsilon, shaking it quickly without a firm grip. She smiled at the newly anointed Ward's words, her earlier self doubt momentarily forgotten; a true miracle. [color=#3068FF][b]"...when we get a free moment, would you like me to help you with your costume?"[/b][/color] Epsilon could have cried, absolutely stunned by the sincere and caring nature of the words spoken. Her cheeks flushed a deep red, and she could not have been more thankful for the mask. Epsilon simply nodded in response, resisting the urge to hug Tulpa and explain her whole life story. The drone's operator's words melded into the background, and so did any of the other words Tulpa had said. Oh god she had powers, wonderful, new, and interesting powers she could explore! [color=8F9779]”For the sake of my allies I am restraining my burning fury...do not give me cause to loosen my grip, interloper!”[/color] Oh god. Epsilon had let the nicest person she had met in a long time deal with Elliot. His power. . . Once you got past the archaic grandiose words he used, his power was. . . Just. . . Not everyone won the lottery, so to speak. Thinking about powers was never a happy affair though, because then Epsilon began thinking of her own power and the shortcomings associated with it. So far she had made a gun that indicated who was a parahuman and who wasn't. There was also a set of goggles that barely ever worked, and a work space that she could toggle powers off and on inside of. She hadn't made a single personalized product yet, and that was tearing Epsilon apart. She could [b]feel[/b] it. Her power truly shined when she made something to directly improve someone else's power. [color=lightblue]"Oh Snapple! Wards, with me! Decoy, there's trouble nearby, but we've got this!"[/color] A breath escaped Epsilon's lips as she glanced over to Sonar, looking confused. He gestured to the elevator, and Epsilon looked quickly back at Tulpa before moving to follow Sonar's lead. The elevator it was then, as Epsilon never had a reason to stop trusting Sonar. [color=lightblue]"Team, I'm really sorry to pull you around like this, but a high ranking member of The Community stepped into my hearing range and he's got a gang with him. I'm listening in on their plan, but only getting bits and pieces of it right now."[/color] Epsilon's hesitant pace suddenly became purposeful as she took off, running to the elevator. Sonar gracefully held the door open, and Epsilon arrived before its first attempt to close. Truth be told her 'running' looked more than a little silly, as she wasn't used to extensive exercise. Despite that, the self defense training she had been receiving had been more than a little exhausting, and was definitely helping the endurance situation. Epsilon's breaths already were struggled as she turned around from the back of the elevator, and she quickly removed her [url=https://img0.etsystatic.com/022/0/8201533/il_570xN.524154802_cbgg.jpg][color=white]mask[/color][/url] in order to breath easier. Epsilon waited patiently for the others.