Amidst the pandemonium of this strange and devastated little town, amidst the fleeing toads and the charging koopas and the desolation brought about by bombs and warships there stood a spot of calm. Well, truth be told it was a man, and he lay rather than stand. Clad in monastic robes, he observed the developing battle with an amused grin fit more for a theater function than a battlefield. He was wholly out of place, and yet incredibly easy to miss in the ensuing chaos. Yes, Isei was quite familiar with chaos, and after what felt like an eternity spent in relative peace he welcomed a return to the pace of his younger years. Of course, it wasn't quite the same. Whereas before he would've jumped at the chance to test his mettle in the confusion, to prove his martial arts worthy of war and capable of meeting any test, he felt little need to dirty himself right now. The battle and the enemies were so...beneath him. It simply wouldn't be sporting. He had done his part, moving unseen to clear paths and allow the tiny, terrified mushroom creatures to flee if they wished to. And now he observed, and given his expertise found himself drawn towards the one massive humanoid, yellow-skinned and with a leonine mane, rampaging around unarmed. "Hmmm, you've interesting physical gifts, but those are really quite useless when applied without skill", he nonchallantly said to Jasper, who by the whim of fate happened to skid to a stop near his current resting spot, placing a hand on her shoulder to get a sense of her musculature. That they might not share a language never crossed his mind, he had quite literally walked across the breadth of his world and it had rarely been a problem. "You rely overmuch on size and strength, expend plenty of energy when minimal effort would suffice, yet you do not appear a complete novice. You should be most dissapointed in whoever trained you for not teaching you this, you could be so much stronger". [@BringBack1996]