[center][h3][color=red] Ken [/color][/h3][/center] Ken winced again at the underling of Roland's words, actions spoke louder than words and this was the case. He didn't want to be a burden but kept up with the. The loud sound of a jet or an aeroplane caught him off guard as he watched an orange and red blur flew past them and into the strange doorway. He stood there astonished, but he shook his head and followed the two men. What he didn't expect to see was a full on bombardment. He stood there, a little afraid as the pain in his head sharpened, he let out a small sigh and glanced back at the portal. Maybe it was best for him to stay behind, and maybe someone would've come back for him. It was a split second later that he subconsciously activated his Kagune. The elongated tail like appendage sprang from his back, his eye shining a bright red as he charges at the turtles, the only thing small enough to make a "meal" of. He used his Kagune to attack and rip the shells off the turtles that came close to him. He ignored everything else around him, except for the turtles. [hr] [center][h3][color=gray] Ainz [/color][/h3][/center] Ainz would never expected the Calvary to show up a few moments later, the battle field was too much for him, but remained where he stood. He glanced up to see several... Battle ships? This place was much more weirder than the place where he was in before this. He gave a huff and raised his hands, before he could cast a spell, a ship flew out of the portal. Another enemy? He started to wonder again. Another ally would be like it. Again, he raised his hands, but shortly interrupted by three more people coming through. This was not going to be his day. However, what caught his attention was the one that started to attack the turtles with an appendage expelled from his back, but surprised to see the bag was still intact. Considering that the one that started to attack was to be feared. Once more, he raised his hands to chant a spell under his breath, making sure that Kieri didn't fall from his movements. A dark blue aura covered his and Kieris being, his posture did not faulter. This spell was taking a little chunk of his Mana reservoirs, and he stared at the aerial ships. [color=gray]"Is that all?"[/color] He stated more to himself than anyone. He stared right at the one that was leading the fleet. Ainz made sure that his summons we're taking care of the little on slaught that was on the ground. He was finally done casting the Black Hole spell. What came next was a small vortex that appeared behind one of the ships, it started to bring two of the ships that weren't fallen as of yet. He kept his stare at the ships, the dark blue aura left and the red came back to shroud his being. He watched as the two ships were being sucked into the Black Hole. [@BringBack1996][@CrimsonCastle][@Lmpkio]