[@The Darklight Project]Now that is the kind of evil kindness I want to see from my GM. "You can do crazy shit, but be prepared face the consequences, both foreseeable and otherwise" On another note, really glad I decided to make this clear before we start moving on. Drosil's been through a lot lately. He got fuckrd up in the arena, almost hot possesed by an Ifrit, basically died in the castle, was (kinda) strong armed into joining the antagonistic organization, had to endure demonic open heart surgey, then he died again in a very gruesome fashion, got brought back to life, then got a vision of his childhood orphanage getting ransacked. All of this has happened in the space of about a month. . . Holy shit. Edit:Expect Drosil to be using drugs a lot more from now on, cause it's going to be his coping mechanism for a while after all that shit.