[@Commodore Robot] [color=0072bc][b]Captain's Log, Stardate 3266.724 On its maiden voyage the SFS-1701 Enterprise performed the first manned long range Farcast sequence known in history with the distance of 992.326 lightyears, in what latter became known as the Borgash System. Yet what we discovered at the other side of the hyperspace window surpassed all our expectations. Our mission is to find alien life but we never quite imagined to meet a fully fledged civilization. As we made our observations the Enterprise's crew accidentally became the first humans to make contact with an alien race. The weight of responsibility was almost too much to bear.[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"Fascinating."[/b][/color] Noted his first officer, Spike "Spock" Sanders, apparently not a Lord of the Rings cosplayer. They were picking up signs of artificial structures and primitive technology within the Tau-Beta-Theta-20408 system (Borgash), same as what they inhabit now. Was it made less than thousand years ago? According to the original plan they first wanted to get a 20-lightyear distance of the target in order to gather more accurate data after which they were supposed to decide either proceeding with mission or writing it off as an error and return home. Yet here they are, apparently right next to a world with man-made structures and faint life signs of yet unregistered pattern jut 159.92368 astronomical units away. Did they really find alien life? Spock couldn't believe it! [color=fff200][b]"Looks Is it possible that our sensors are out of alignment? Fold shadows?"[/b][/color] [b][color=6ecff6]"I estimate there's a 0.001% chance the prolonged exposure to hyperspace affected our hypersensors. While extremely unlikely the plausibility of this is not out of question."[/color][/b] [b][color=fff200]"As I thought. Just to be sure then we should examine this... 'civilization' from up close with our sublight sensors."[/color][/b] [color=6ecff6][b]"Indeed."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Astrogator Paris, full impulse. Get us within a lightsecond range to the first planet."[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24][b]"Aye, Sir. Full impulse reached. Destination is Tau-Beta-Theta-20408-point-one."[/b][/color] The Enterprise had entered the Borgash System at sublight speed. Due to the possibility of misaligned hypersensors they did not rely on Fold Drives which meant it'd take many hours to reach their destination. During that time the news spread to the entire ship and hundreds of scientists engaged in a heated debate over the strange findings. Many were skeptics and were on the Captain's side on citing fold shadows and faulty hypersensors. Other group were of the opinion it has to be people originating from a Solarian seedship during the Last Great War which probably used primitive Fold Drives to get there. Only a small fraction of the people genuinely thought they found traces of an alien civilization. They were only a few hours away from their destination when... [color=ed145b][b]"Captain, we detected a radiation pulse passing us by. Classification is unclear."[/b][/color] Reported Sensory Officer Elaine Nkiru Afua in a hurry. [color=fff200][b]"Primitive sensors?"[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"Yes, it appears to be that way. I lack reference data to confirm but the source of the signal can not possibly be a natural phenomena."[/b][/color] In his mind Kirk felt like cursing a stream. If this were a military practice they'd be rated F on the exam. Getting spotted by some stone age radar is the most humiliating for a starship captain like him. Well, the very least they can be assured there's some sorts of manmade technology out there. Any fears of faulty hypersensors are gone. Yet the troubles of the Enterprise were just beginning... [color=ed145b][b]"Power signals from Object 004! Energy densities in multiple sections surpass the Jon's Law. It's a..."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"... weapon station."[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"Indeed. Quick analysis of the sensory data confirms Object 004 is no space debris, no matter how useless it may seem, but a weapon station."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"For a civilization these people sure look uncivilized don't you agree?"[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"Captain I do advise against underestimating this...thing. Weapons might be primitive tools and unfit for civilized people to use. Regardless these brutish tools are focused on their purpose to cause harm and nothing else. Remember our history 300 years back. Weapons are bad!"[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"I agree with you Spock. All hands, yellow alert! Raise screens! Analyze enemy technology! Prepare for evasive maneuvers!"[/b][/color] The Enterprise's power surged for a microsecond and then its signature turned even fainter on the Dominion's sensors. They might be not aware but this signed the ship was on full alert, ready to defend itself. [quote=@Commodore Robot]"Attention unidentified vessel, identify yourself immediately or be fired upon in accordance with Dominion Navigational Law." [/quote][color=fdc68a][b]"Uggomgyuem amyujomgyuhyuoja boaisor, yujomgyuhi iealcorh yunnojyuugori el vo hyuloja akem yum usseljumso quyuch Jenyumyuem Mubyutugyuemur Ruqu."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Spock, can you explain this to me?"[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"We have received a short burst of radio transmission data on binary cod-..."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"BINARY?"[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"Yes, they seem to use a variation of binary code. Historical records state our reliance on binary code was abandoned several hundred years ago. The reason why they utilize such outdated method mystifies me as much as you, Captain."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Continue Mr. Spock."[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"They seem to have broadcasted a message to us in multiple dialects, perhaps even languages. Unfortunately without proper reference this is the best our technical crew can do."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"I see. How about the context with 'Get out of my star system!'? Cross-check every synonyms and alternative solutions to this meaning."[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"Captain I must warn you that even with that the chance of misinterpreting their message completely is about 92.729%."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Better than a hundred, I say."[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"For more accurate translation we need more data with appropriate context."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Ah, I know how to make them talk..." [/b][/color] The movements of the small Dominion fleet of course didn't evade the Enterprise's sensory grid. Judging from the data they were primitive warships, savage vessels made for killing and causing misery. The sensors of ships had no trouble to track the Enterprise which proceeded to cruise in a straight line. Until this moment. Within an instant the signature of the Enterprise was gone. No more sensor bleeps. This situation went on for minutes, attempts to find the starship were met with failure. Then suddenly a bright flash approached from a completely different vector, traversing space faster than even light. It was a tachyonic wave, designed to be harmless to anything but the target's non-critical sensors, making the Dominion ships almost blind. [color=6ecff6][b]"Captain, this is the most unusual attempt at communication."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"I know Mr. Spock. Neither something we can keep repeating. Adapting to cheap tricks like this shouldn't be beyond even primitive technology. Uhura, are you recording all their outbound communications?"[/b][/color] [color=ec008c][b]"Aye, Captain. May I ask a question?"[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Go on."[/b][/color] [color=ec008c][b]"We might get plenty of language data but how does the Captai-"[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Just call me Tiberius."[/b][/color] [color=ec008c][b]"How does the Captain plan to get the accurate frame of reference?"[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"I don't."[/b][/color] [color=ec008c][b]"Sir?"[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Regardless of the day and age there are certain actions men commanding starships do. I'll just add lib that context over the voice data. Let's leave the rest to the computers. Would that work, Mr. Spock?"[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][b]"This is the first ever time Starfleet contacts an alien civilization. And the first time somebody tries such... eccentric measures. I give it perhaps fifty-fifty."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"That's more like it Spock!"[/b][/color]