[quote]"Guess it's done then." He looked to Rain again, his body heavy and loose and dripping wet. "The gods sleep no more, the singer sings no more, the Stone sleeps instead, and Celana is lost to never be found, never to be found." He lifted his head again, scanning the wreckage. "Where are the humans I wonder? So afraid. Maybe died of fear."[/quote] Just as soon as she managed to pull him out of the water and get some time to try and think the odd man woke up and started moving around without so much as a breath. The words that came out of his mouth mostly made no sense to her. Except gods and humans. Rain blinked at him a few times just to make sure she wasn't seeing anything as he moved around without too much trouble. What did he mean about where the humans were? Didn't he know he was right next to one? What was he? [quote]"Up and over, no place for me here." He set about the long task of finding the necessary materials to fix the elevator, which sat half-submerged in the pond. [/quote] Finally Rain regained enough sense to clear her throat and speak. "Celana? What's that? What do you mean where are the humans? I am a human! There are others awake too! Those stupid gods were trying their darnedest to get into me." She shuddered at that thought. "Uh-uh. I am not letting that happen." She then noticed he was looking for parts. She glanced around to see the broken elevator and cautiously made her way over just to make sure she didn't slip. "I don't much like the idea of going up there again. Not with the big kitty up there trying to take my soul." She looked up towards the hole above her and clenched her teeth at the thought of falling again. "I think... I think I was lucky enough to survive my first fall down here. I don't think I want a go at round two." As she stopped at the elevator she noticed the hydraulics were still in fair shape, but the cable grips had snapped leaving their partner cables hanging. The grips would need to be completely replaced. There were other parts that needed repairs as well, but she'd have to get the elevator out of the water to do so. Not to mention she needed the tools as well. She waved her hand towards the odd man. "Hey, uh, metal-man... I can fix this. I just need the right tools. I need a couple hydraulic pumps to lift this out of the water too. I can't get at the parts that are submerged, and it'd be good to see what's underneath." Before she knew it, in spite of the pain she was in, she felt quite comfortable as she started giving direction to the guy so she could fix the elevator. If it weren't for all the loose water she would have started to feel like she was back in her and her father's shop working a repair order directing their employees. She quickly rattled off the names of all the tools and supplies she'd need as she inspected the elevator more and more closely.