If anyone has any specific questions for forming characters until OOC is up, let me know I'll answer them here. [quote=@Polybius] Take your time. Any info you can give us that might help forming characters would be great so we could get started on it. [/quote] Thanks. [quote=@Paraffin] So, you mentioned that outside the fractured remains of the once great human empire there existed neighboring kingdoms populated by other races. I'm wondering why in the 200 years since the collapse of humanity as a united regional power external forces haven't made tributaries, annexed lands or pushed back borders of the petty holdings that remain. Are they worried that external pressure would once more galvanize humanity? Secondly, on the aspect of training oneself to superhuman heights; would you say it follows the 'muscles are meaningless' trope where it's simply an innate magical reaction? A sort of mystical placebo effect where in believing an action should make one stronger is enough for it to do so? Or would you say it's more of a 'I am the clay and the wheel' scenario wherein flesh becomes like leather, tendons like rope and so on. For power to have weight and substance. [/quote] As for the questions... you somewhat answered it. For the first one, it's an amalgamation of several different factors. I'd say the biggest reasons are: 1. Lack of population since the great conflict, therefore humanity simply doesn't have the influence upon the rest of the world like it used to. 2. Xenophobia with the other races is extremely strong. The other races doesn't exactly like humanity either. The subject of racism is a pretty heavy topic in this world. Ever since the conflict (which actually devastated every other race too) everyone is sort of in a "let's just deal with our own problems first" mood. 3. The area where the Empire was, is naturally cut of from rest of the world by natural barriers such as deserts, mountain ranges, etc. 4. Lastly, the 6 Remnant Nations that arose from the old empire's ashes aren't too keen on destroying the current balance of things. You barely see any physical military actions, rather everything has become very political. For the second one... you actually just somewhat spoiled yourself. Haha, nice work. Only a very few guess and know this fact. Actually its a combination of two reasons; first the biology of this world is indeed slightly different. Lifting and working out will improve your physical qualities significantly higher than it is possible in the real world. (This is probably one of the most unrealistic piece of setting in my world) However, there is a limit obviously. This limit can be broken through rudimentary use of magic, since magic requires Will to be cast. I'll explain magic in more detail in the next post I make here if anyone is interested. It works on a fairly strict but also creative system.