[@Marcus XVI][@UberBlutwurst][@Gentlemanvaultboy] [i]"Oh, I'm quite alright, quite alright."[/i] Even Ed couldn't be taken in with a lie like that, the laughter came off as hollow and the smile was more like a porcelain mask. Though shattering that lie would probably do more harm than good so he decided not to press any further. [color=ed145b]"So..."[/color] he began breaking the silence hoping the right words would follow [color=ed145b]"...the biker gear, that a look you're going for?"[/color] he let out a great sigh, those were not the right words. He couldn't really blame Loki when he left the group, its not like there was anything he could say. That Jake kid had snuck off with one of the other blokes leaving him with Tanya and Ashley, it had been some time since he'd been unable to get a conversation going but he felt a little put out by the way the last one had ended. [color=ed145b]"Well, do you guys have some happier news to share?"[/color] he asked hopeful