[centre][hider=Henry Olin] [hider=Digital Image][img]http://i.imgur.com/NfDPoSb.jpg[/img] [center]WIP. Credit to the talented [@SepticGentleman][/center][/hider] [color=playercolor][h3][b]Henry | 26 | Male[/b][/h3][/color] [u][b][color=playercolor]Appearance:[/color][/b][/u] Henry is visibly huge. Henry stands as tall or taller than most Polar Bears. His sheer size puts him in the same heavyweight category for even a bear or a horse as well, going to show he is far from a stick. Henry is humanoid when standing upright, having a thick muscular torso but no belly button mark is left. Assuming he's completely naked (normally he wears some special clothing that was designed for him by the TEF) the animal influence of his body becomes even more apparent. Henry's scales are a dark green coloration, with amber details lining his face and along his flanks. Even his weakest scales are thick, armored, leathery in one direction, and rough like sandpaper and sharp in the other, his skin being like that of a shark's- made of tiny teeth (or spikes!). His arms and legs are thick and hulking: every inch of Henry's frame is taut with muscle; he is visibly the strongest person around- if you were to call him a person at this point. If I had to compare his body to anyone's it would be Bane's from the recent batman movie. Henry's mouth and jaw have extended outwards as his head has become a snout with his transformation, his nose and face broadening outwards into a very saurian snout, with his ears and nose and other cartilage structures degrading away. Upon his snout two small boney horns have protruded like that of a Rhino iguana's. He is entirely unrecognizable as the man once known as Henry Olin; now, he just looks like some freakish thing that crawled up out of Jurassic Park. He has a fairly long, thick tail, which is extremely strong and powerful. There are large and flat blades along the length of his tail similar to a Gastonia dinosaur. This appendage is covered in some of the thickest armor on his body and is covered in huge segmented spikes like that of a Uromastyx lizard. Henry's hands have mutated heavily, his fingers elongating and growing huge five-inch claws. With one, his pinky, becoming a rough nub, degraded away leaving him with only four usable fingers. His feet have already fully morphed into four-toed saurian like feet. Each of the claws he has are thick and relatively dull, but easily over four inches long. His legs themselves look like a force of nature's. They are huge and thick like tree trunks and thick scaling. His back and body is covered in spines that look like a cross between a Thorny devil's and a giant sungazer lizard's. Henry's attire… due to his abilities normal clothes become a hindrance over anything else. However, in times of emergency, he is very happy to shred his clothing and haul ass out, as he can do so and still keep it PG. His genitalia, much like that of a reptile’s, is not readily viewed unless he wants them to be. [hr] [u][b][color=playercolor]Powers:[/color][/b][/u] Henry is big. Like, way big. In more ways than one. His powers themselves draw from the genetics we all share with birds, reptiles, and amphibians. However instead of manifesting themselves in the form of a power, they turned him into the power. Standing at a gargantuan 10'4, and weighing in at over 3000lbs he is quite literally a monster. I'll start off really basic and work my way up to the more complex stuff after that. Henry is really big, and really, REALLY strong. Every part of his body is just... gaaah. Henry has a thick layer of scales to protect the even thicker layer of muscle underneath it. His bones are thick and reenforced to bear his weight. But how strong is he, you ask? Well, he can flip the average sedan's weight (which is 3221 - 4009lbs). So don't go picking any arm wrestles with him. His tail is also a weapon of destruction, and can be used to really fuck up your day (along with anything else it happens to hit along the way). In terms of durability, every part of his body is fairly well protected. He'd probably be able to catch a car thrown at himself (or at least absorb it enough to not be killed on impact). If a normal person were to attack him, it would be about as effective as trying to kill a rhino by punching it. Low caliber firearms often penetrate and cause a good deal of pain, but due to his size he can usually deal assuming the shot isn't well placed. But as with anything- the larger the bullet, the more damage. Large bladed weaponry is one way to go when dealing with him (gotta slay the dragon), but oftentimes sheer blunt force trauma would be enough. His size and protection also gives him limited resistance to fire and heat based elemental attacks. Henry has most of the abilities of amphibians, lizards, snakes, and birds. Defenses, powerful claws, a nasty set of teeth (his messed up genes give him a snaggle toothed appearance, with being some shark like, others more crocodilian), regenerative properties (able to regenerate whole limbs after a while), and some other weird things thrown in there. It has been said that he potentially has the ability to shift to the female gender and then back to male, although this is largely unknown as nobody wants to go up to him and say "Hey, become a girl!" because he probably doesn't know how exactly to do that (and it's not like they know what he looks like besides hearing his voice). Henry has an extremely powerful set of senses (hearing, sight, and smell, etc). Especially sight. Henry actually his six small eyes. All of which function similarly to ours, but can act independently of one another. His jaws have the ability to unhinge from his skull, and extend where his chin would be, allowing him to swallow things much larger than his skull whole if need be. He also has a unique set of mandibles that he uses to manipulate and tear apart food. Henry is fast. Capable of clocking in at over forty miles per hour in short dash, and is relatively agile due to his reptilian/Primate build- allowing him to traverse many obstacles with relative ease- especially when it comes to climbing. Henry has very powerful and well developed legs and arms that allow him to move around on all fours and in a bipedal pose with equal comfort. [u][b][color=playercolor]Weaknesses/Limitations:[/color][/b][/u] Henry is functionally autistic. Let me explain, Henry is still 'smart', and his brain still operates just fine. But six eyes moving independently of one another is a lot to manage. His senses are also kicked into hyperdrive at all times. Because his senses are so powerful sensory overload can be a big problem for him. He literally cant handle large amounts of bright light and colors can cause him a lot of pain and confusion. If he was somehow driving during the night or near a busy street, it would probably render him in the fetal position with all the loud noises and bright lights from the car’s headlights. This makes even relatively simple things fairly hard to differentiate for him at times. He also is almost completely unable to communicate. Similarly to parrots and some birds, he no longer has a voice box. This, in combination with his lack of lips, makes it very difficult for him to form coherent words- let alone sentences. I’d also like to point out that Henry’s regenerative ability is NOT like that of Wolverine’s. It’s about eight or nine times as fast as a human’s. He will NOT immediately bounce back from any wound unless it’s minor, much like a normal human. It can take him months to grow back a limb, and weeks to recover from various other injuries (The average stab wound recovery time is the two to three weeks. Henry would recover over the course of a better part of a week). Henry suffers from chronic pain. His mutation has robbed him of many basic human abilities and even some organs necessary for interaction. His body was once human, and humans were not meant to be as big as him. His bones, muscles, and organs are constantly adjusting and being repaired by his ability to heal. Imagine constantly having growing pains and the discomfort often associated with menstrual cramps, but on a larger scale, and all the time. That is how Henry lives his life. Because his organs often damage themselves it is not uncommon for his to expel blood from his body (usually in the form of throwing up) or via ebola like symptoms on a fairly regular basis. Shit sucks, man. [u][b][color=playercolor]Progress:[/color][/b][/u] To be filled in at a later date. This slot is for documenting the progress a character makes during their time at TEF-149, when they happen in the IC. Please don't add progress without mentioning it canonically. [hr] [u][b][color=playercolor]Personality:[/color][/b][/u] Hangry. The would be the best word to describe Henry. He's constantly hungry, and due to his conditions he's usually pretty salty or short about everything. He has enough control over himself to not do anything that would endanger anyone around him. Henry doesn't [i]always[/i] act like this. And for the most part he is at heart a nice guy, but it's difficult for someone of his condition to be and act normal. Even most of the other what-fucks on TEF-149 tend to be accosted by him because all things considered he is a monster. He is the Boo Radley of the TEF. He's a little (very) awkward in every aspect of life. But he's not far enough gone to be fully fucked. At least not yet. [u][b][color=playercolor]Backstory:[/color][/b][/u] Henry J. Olin was born in May, 1995. When he was born, he was average weight, and had a full head of hair and looked like a little old man. He did nothing but scream and shit for three days after that. And for a while, Henry was a normal boy. He attended normal school, was normal height, and looked like a normal half Japanese boy from a normal upper middle class Canadian family. Then, when he turned twelve in 7th grade, puberty hit him like a freight train. Unlike most his awkward phase was extremely short. Also unlike most he turned into a huge ass lizard monster. Yes you read that right. Within the span of a week he had literally eaten all the food in the house, undergone excruciating pain, and became literally the most pissed off kid you will ever meet. Brooding teenagers have nothing on him. He quite literally nearly took his sister's hand off for trying to swipe away a spare meatball. If this was Oregon trail everyone's diets were set to bare bones for about a month for sheer survival purposes as he literally ate everything (bite makes on the dinner table for evidence). Henry's mother took him to the hospital, and to many forms of therapists and none of which had ever seen something like him before. Henry was taken out of school, and as he regained control over himself and his body calmed down, he wasn't anywhere near what he was when the transformation began a month before. Standing at a staggering 6'5 from his previous 4'11, and weighing in at a gaunt 210lbs, Henry was unhealthy, and overall sick, but still much larger and stronger than his own father (Who was about 5'10, 170lbs). His body was still suffering the effects of the chemical changes and metabolism shift from warm blooded to lukewarm. His awkward stage continued for another week or so as his body adapted, and gained weight. He ate as much as before, but he wasn't as violent in doing so. Eventually he calmed down over the next two weeks, being a solid 401 lbs. At the weight of 411, he was actually capable of passing urine and passed his first stool since he began the change two and a half weeks before. It didn't take long after that. His changes were too violent and dramatic to be any different. He's been under strict observation and has been contained by TEF-149 pretty much since 8th grade. [hr] [u][b][color=playercolor]Talents/Skills:[/color][/b][/u] He can certainly bench more than you. If he sang your ear drums would explode. Master of eating competitions. [u][b][color=playercolor]Quirks/Habits/Other:[/color][/b][/u] This part is optional. Does your character have any quirks? Strange habits? A terrible allergy to cats, but only on rainy days? [u][b][color=playercolor]TL/DR:[/color][/b][/u] OOOOOOOOOOH WHO LIVES IN A TEF AND CAN BARELY SEE HENRY OLIN PISSED OFF AND HUNGRY AND A LIZARD IS HE HENRY OLIN IF SENSELESS DESTRUCTION IS SOMETHING YOU WISH HENRY OLIN THEN GET TO WORK AND DO A REPTILE'S HISS. HENRY OLIN HENRY OLIN HENRYYYYYY OLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN [/hider][/centre] Still adding a player color and will be working out the kinks in the sheet, but could you give it a look over for me, [@SecretlyDiscord]? Make sure it's even okay before I put any more time into it?