[center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/d/dc/Donald_Blake_(Earth-616).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090412194311[/img][/center] [right][b]New York City, East Coast United States of America. 1630HRS Local Time[/b][/right] Donald Blake sat in his apartment, before him on the coffee table sat a Hammer. Not a regular hammer, no. This was like an old Warhammer you saw pictures off in the history books, albeit with a much smaller handle. One part of him [i]knew[/i] without a doubt that that was due to the meddling of Loki, the trickster god of norse mythology. Though he wasn't a myth, or at least that's what his memories were telling him. He recalled battles long past, long before he was even born and the halls of Asgard being filled to the brim with celebration and revels of victory. He'd have seen a psychiatrist by now, if he hadn't fought against an intergalactic being seeking to eat the planet a mere three months ago. Somehow the Hammer had a way of transforming his frail body into that of the Asgardian god of war, and son of Odin. Thor. He wasn't quite sure how it all worked but whatever the transformation process was everytime he picked up the hammer he gained more of the original Thors memories. He wasn't quite sure what had happened to the real Odinson, for he had found the hammer hidden away in a cave. He only found it when he was chased by strange beasts and had no way of defending himself. That had been the first transformation, and ever since then he was becoming increasingly more powerful. The problem? The memories were also coming with greater intensity. If he kept using the hammer would Donald Blake even continue to exist? Or would the psyche of Thor take over completely? Perhaps that was just what Asgardian Gods did, maybe this [i]Thor[/i] lost his life and was continuing it through a host body. He wasn't entirely sure, and he couldn't ask anyone either. He wasn't a superhero, not really in the way Wasp was or Captain America but he still had people he needed to protect. While people may not believe his frail form was that of Thor, there would be those that did and they would likely punish the hospital and the love of his life, Jane Foster. He hadn't even told her about it, though he supposed he would need to sooner or later as he would have to make the decision to either stop helping people as Thor. It was a real dilemma, as he had done real good for the world both as Thor and as Donald Blake and like most human beings he didn't want to give himself up, didn't want his life to end. Though was that selfish? Could he deprive the Earth of a God? That is when the TV which had silently been playing in the background gained his attention. On the screen in the middle of times square stood a man in medieval garb, red with a white cross identical to that worn by Christians during the religious crusades. Before him tied up was a group of civilians many of them carrying one of the foolish consumerist made icons that that supported various heroes including Thor. "Thunderer!" The man spoke with a thick English accent. "These people have sinned, worshiping you and the other so called [i]heroes[/i] rather than their true saviour. They say you are the 'Odinson', their true hero. Word is some even pray to you. Face me, or these people die in your name Thor. Let us show them the false god that you are." Without second thought he latched onto the hammer, feeling the surge of electricity as Donald Blake was replaced by Thor. While Donald Blake was reluctant to fight Thor relished in the opportunity of doing battle, with the might of Mjlonir he flew from the window as the skies overhead turned from clear and sunny to grey, lightning flashed across the sky that mimicked Thors rage. As he approached times square he slowed himself, bringing himself down over the plaza as lightning struck the ground below him. [color=00aeef]"[b]HOLD![/b] [SUB]KNOW MORTAL NONE SHALL DIE ON THIS DAY BY YOUR HAND, SO SAYETH THOR ODINSON![/SUB] [b]GOD OF THUNDER![/b]"[/color] "You are no god, there is but one God! I'm going to expose you as the fraud you are!" [color=00aeef]"HEDE[SUB] MY WARNING VILLAIN, SHOULD YOU ATTEMPT TO HARM A SINGLE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE YOU SHALL INCUR MY WRATH. STAND DOWN NOW, AND THIS NEED NOT COME TO HOSTILITIES. THOUGH SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO AVOID THIS WARNING I SHALL NOT SHY AWAY FROM BATTLE, ODIN KNOWS[/SUB] [i]MJLONIR[/i][SUB] YEARNS FOR BATTLE. WHAT SAY YOU MORTAL?[/SUB]" [/color]The man simply drew a sword, out of thin air as well as a shield, aiming the sword up at Thor. "All I need harm is you, to prove my point to these non-believers." Thor couldn't help but smirk. [color=00aeef]"[sub]SO BE IT![/sub]"[/color] [center][img]http://static7.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11/114312/2827388-1119632_thor_001c.jpg[/img][/center]