My my, this establishment was indeed popular in this beautiful city, for it seemed as soon as Alena had taken her seat next to the gargantuan brute of stone and placed her rather extravagant yet simple order, more customers began to arrive from the get-go, and all of them a very eclectic and diverse few. [i]Quite the oddities some of these few are, but in Karstberg, anything is to be expected.[/i] Her lips curled into a rather pleasant smirk as she looked around at all of them. The first to catch her eye of course was the woman with several fluffy, canine-like, tails protruding from her backside, another beastkin native from Akitsushima the woman presumed, and my did she look gorgeous to Alena. She almost found it heavenly to have met such beautiful women today, the lowly barmaid at the tavern, the cute squid girl who owned the restaraunt, and indeed this ravishing fox-woman. All the more it made her smile as she poured some sake into a small cup and partook of her chosen beverage, sweet and heavy on the tongue with enough of a burn to keep you going, just what Alena expected of finely brewed sake from the shores of Akitsushima. "Traveled far from home, have we, mademoiselle?" She spoke to the definitely fatigued and ragged lifeform, seeing as though the fox woman was unable to keep her head lifted. "You look like you could use a drink, my lovely fox." Generously, Alena took it upon herself to pour some of the delectable sake for the poor woman, no use in letting a beautiful soul like her wither away she thought. While she waited for her fish so eagerly, practically swooning inside from the intoxicating aroma of world famous Akitsushima cuisine wafting into her face from the hot fires of the iron plate her meal was cooked upon, along with a generous portion of fried rice possibly for the man of stones to her left, her eyes fell upon the peculiar young man asking where he could sell his ring for a bit of coin. She watched as he fetched the questioned ring from his pouch, eyeing the marvelous craftsmanship of it, but...something just felt off about the ring. The band was indeed a gold standard of craftsmanship, the ornate and delicate carvings only a master ringsmith could pull off effortlessly, that or a well-trained forgery artist, for the most damning of features had to come from the supposed "Blood Ruby" that crowned the lovely item of jewelry. "Young sir, if I could see that ring for a moment..." She obliged to inspect the ring further for the lad, at least to save him the disappointment later when he discovered this ring....was a fake.