[quote=@Rin] TEAM DELINQUENT Who aren't really [i]evil [/i]per say. More just a mild annoyance really. [/quote] I raise you with DELINQUENT COP. ...Sort of. Informant. [s]Donut Moocher[/s] [s]Bored Old Fox Hag[/s] Ahem: Name: (Su) Mei Age: 856 Gender: Female Race: Huli Jing - The chinese Kitsune. No differences with the Japanese one, save culturally. Appearance:[url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1533966]Her appearance.[/url] She has eight tails, but she usually disguises seven of them. Personality: An elder fox spirit, Mei does have a great deal of self-control more than the average fox spirit, usually approaching her daily life with a mixture of wisdom and patience and the usual trickery and cheekyness foxes usually are thought to have. Unlike some other foxes with several tails, Mei rarely flaunts her actual power and experience, usually content with appearing to be someone much younger and keeping a rather approachable and casual aura. She absolutely loves prank wars, and, surprisingly enough, has something of a graceful loser behaviour. She also hates being compared to one of her famous ancestors, the legendary nine tailed Daji (which is probably the reason why a lot of the chinese foxes are hated), and has a fancy about foods that contain absurd amounts of offal (Truth to be told her favorite food is [i]human liver[/i], but hey, those are off limits.) Abilities: -[i]Foxfire[/i]: Hey, all half-decent spirit foxes can do it. From the mouth, or the tips of the tail. Packs quite a punch, but it's in the end just fancy blue mana fire. Due to her number of tails she can spam a lot of it, however. -Transformation: She can do tricks to alter her appearance and age, and hide her tails. Don't ask her to become a guy, tho. -Illusion: Mei, like all foxes can do illusions. However, the more convincent and vivid the illusion, the more draining, and the less can move. Each aditional sense weights more. She can sometimes stack two short lived illusions. -Taoist Rituals: Similar to Onmyodo, Mei is a skilled taoist ritual practitioner, which can be seen in divinations (that they often fail, or so she claims), and talismans, enchantments and exorcisms (which they do not). This was an attempt on her part to drift away from the foul practices of her clan, like human posession. Evil arts:She technically can curse people and possess them, but A- Curses have bad habits like harming the caster, backfiring and pissing people off, and B- Possession means giving up her actual body for a mortal one. Skills: Chinese- DUH Chinese medicine and herbalism- Well, she has to earn a coin or two. She also knows how to make good, hearty meals. Kung Fu- While a wispy fox spirit isn't the most durable youkai, she knows kung fu. I mean, cause, seriously, there's tigers and stuff like that in China. She's pretty skilled and nimble, but like other foxes, can't take many hits. Master of Deception: There's probably almost to no trick in the big book of deception that she doesn't know. Incidentally she's also good at reading people. Living history Scholar: She's read and seen a ton of stuff. Equipment: Clothes. Cellphone. Wallet. [s]Swag.[/s] Brief Backstory: Mei was born to the same clan of fox spirits as one of the most (in)famous mythological figures of chinese literature. Daji, the concubine of Zhou Wang, a chinese King who got the kicks and giggles by torturing vassals in horrible manners. In fact, Mei and her family are somehow descendants of that very nine tailed fox, and most of them follow their tenets and revel in the horrible practices that give the Huli Jinn their bad repution. Not Mei, though. Once she reached a certain age, she decided to pack her meager possessions and see the wide world. Probably because of wanderlust, or maybe because she was really tired of all the evil cackles and wannabe evil sorcerous empresses that her clan seemed to have. She became a travelling spirit, with little to no bounds. Met friends. Lived adventures. Had kids. Had grandkids. Ocassionally she also helped twarth the plans of her clan. The world changed. And decided it was getting too tired to be constantly drifting. China's environment as well was degrading quickly to the point of becoming nearly inhabitable. So she skipped the sea to Japan, having heard rumours of a city being founded with an Imaginary District, a haven of sorts. After a brief time of exploration, Mei established herself as some kind of elder scholar, lending her services as informant and collaborator with the ID Police, and also offering small time chinese remedies and lecturing those who actually managed to find her. Plus hey, the Imaginary District had all sorts of offal to taste. And she could always mooch the donuts from the police! TLDR: It's a remake of the other character i made when bored. WHOEVER MADE THAT PIC IS SO CUTE I COULD NOT HELP IT.