[@SilentWriter83] It's not so much about 'allowing' them to only express there. Look at it like this. You say hetero-prides aren't a thing and I'd be inclined to agree but the Kamasutra fair here is largely heterosexual. It attracts a lot of attention and people [i]want[/i] to visit. It's still held in a private area and you can buy tickets for cheap, and enjoy the shows and walk around and buy shit, right? Now you also have the gay pride, which is an initiative [i]not[/i] made by the government or so, but is still paid for by the government in most cases (here it's the case.) meaning the government is theoretically spending [i]my[/i] money on this. Which I'm fine with. But it also happens in public locations - on the canals in Amsterdam, mostly, but in other cities too. Not always on a canal. It's a bit of a hassle when I have to travel through there, ya dig? Now that is ignoring the fact that the content of the Kamasutra fair is.. very sexual. In fact it's 100% sexual. I wouldn't say the gay pride if 100% sexual, but it's borderline. Just do a google image search of gay pride. I'm all for expressing homosexuality on public areas. Trust me. But on this scale, with this kind of content, I'd rather it was just held in a venue.