There's so much wrong with the US it's painful. Idk about now, but when I was in middle school and they started sex ed you can opt out of it. Personally, I think every body should take sex ed no matter what so misunderstandings don't arise. Most men don't realize that, yes, it is rape if you're drunk and you have sex. Although I have to admit the lines get blurry if both parties are drunk. I don't believe that it's the mans responsibility to determine if he or his partner are 'too drunk' to engage in sex. I've certainly had drunk sex with my bf and *technically that's considered rape cus I didn't say 'yes' verbally. This is a very fine line. But there are times its crossed. If the other person is passed out. Don't do it. If they can't walk or talk. Don't do it. If they are asleep. Don't do it. If they say no. Don't keep asking until they get annoyed and say yes. These all seem like common sense things but they're NOT. I've been drunk and taken to a room where a guy tried to have sex with me and I had no idea what was going on. Two girls found me and dragged me out and a friend took me home. Like, it's not easy for some guys to draw the line even though I was visibly intoxicated and not capable of making rational decisions. These things shouldn't happen. They should be common sense. But the fact is they're not. Plain and simple. "Teaching men not to rape." ^ probably not the best way to phrase it, but the fact is, from a young age women are taught that its somehow innately their fault. Don't dress a certain way. Well if you weren't drunk. Did you flirt? None of that matters, but at the end of the day, the majority of rapes go unreported because it's damn near impossible to convict a rapist because we still live in a country where a woman is somehow innately responsible for how a man reacts to her body. It's in our dress codes in high school, society, television. Woman are objects. Look at American advertisements. It's okay to use our bodies to sell food but DEAR MOTHER OF GOD if a woman breastfeeds her child on the street people have a heart attack. it's a social issue that needs to be addressed through law. Being harsher on rapes. Actually processing rape kits (most of which are not processed at all). Taking rape more seriously, and also changing the rape law to include non penetrative sex so men can convict their rapists. also message to 'feminists' WOMEN CAN AND HAVE RAPED TO. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PENETRATE A MAN OR WOMAN TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT THEM. ^that needed to be said. There needs to be a social movement that allows male victims of rape to speak out and get justice as well. You don't have to be molested by a male to be raped. Women can do it too. We don't need to 'teach men not to rape' we need to teach society not to accept rape. If it's children people go bananas. When female teachers molest their students, those boys are praised or told they should be proud of an 'accomplishment' but when it's women it's their fault. There are so many fucked up notions when it comes to rape thanks to heteronormativity and male gaze and all that shit I don't wanna get into. Fact of the matter is its not about teaching who not to rape who. it's about creating new laws and legislation so that rape isn't accepted as the victims fault (regardless of who the victim is). *looking at you Brock Turner you piece of filth with your shitty at 3 months for bs good behaviour. I wanna punch him in the fucking jugular. I don't give a damn if you don't eat steak cus you're sad and your life is ruined. Good. I hope it goes to shit you vile piece of filth*