[h1][center]Necro - Denver alleys[/center][/h1] Connor left his little hovel trailed by two zombies, Frank and Derron. Frank a no-name heavy weight boxer was a hulk of a man muscles straining against the fabric of the hoodie he wore. Derron was much smaller, a young gang banger skilled in cruelty and robbery, and a good shot with a gun. The trio wandered the streets for a few hours while Connor waited for a new job to ping on his phone. While he wandered he spied a few Community gang members, his curiosity piqued he ordered Frank up to shield Connor and Derron. they trailed about a block behind the community gang, following them inconspicuously. It was made easy by Frank, dressed in a simple hoodie to hide the stab wounds he earned last week. The huge man walked in front of Necro and his other zombie obscuring them from the community gang. Connor carried his tools of the trade in his backpack and held what appeared to be a motorcycle helmet made of bleached bone. The rest of his armor had been reshaped to be concealed under his heavy trench coat. He pretended to chat with his other zombie, trying to make this morbid situation seem normal. He looked over at his other zombie, and muttered [color=lightcoral]"How screwed up is this man, walking the streets with corpses."[/color] The zombie glowered at him, and groaned but only because he couldn't tell Connor off with a jaw that was wired shut. The trio trailed the Gang for under an hour before they turned down an alley, Necro sighed [color=lightcoral]"I should have brought more of you if the fireworks are about to start."[/color] Frank only laughed cheerfully, which annoyed Connor the dead are not supposed to be happy. Connor slowed a step and started hacking into a rag he hastily pulled from a pocket, the labored cough of the dying. Once the coughing subsided he pulled the now blood stained rag from his face and dabbed the drops of blood speckling the corner of his mouth. [color=lightcoral]"well, lets see what happens"[/color] he said as he turned the corner to observe the brawl that was just starting.