[b]Kingdom of Jouran[/b] [u][b]Prime Minister Courts Foreign Support: [/b][/u] Prime Minister Josef Masaryk praised the support offered by the Saurellian and Tyro - Antari Empire's for their stances in supporting the Kingdom's right to defend itself. The Prime Minister slammed the Staratian declaration in a session before Parliament... '' with a nation that has two million men under arms to criticize our government's defense expenditure is laughable. If there is no threats on the continent, then perhaps the Republic should think of disbanding some of its own troops? '' The Prime Minister went on to dismiss Kavonian attempts at inflaming the situation on the continent. [u][b]General Gustaw Kruger Promoted:[/b][/u] Lieutenant General Gustaw Von Kruger was promoted to Field Marshal today, replacing outgoing General Lech Kuziora as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces. A veteran of the War of the Seven King's where he commanded an infantry battalion, Kruger gained a fierce reputation and an innovative tactician in using artillery fire to break enemy defensive positions. General Gustaw has been a fierce proponent of the re-arming of the military, calling it '' vital '' for the nation's self defense. [u][b]Controversial Writer Roman Tacik Gives Inflammatory Speech:[/b][/u] Controversial author Roman Tacik gave a speech to a sold out crowd of six hundred at the Trybusz Theater. The well known nationalist and proponent of '' Greater Jouran '' (a theory that states the ancient Kingdom of Jouran existed in parts of present day Dongaria, Parmua, and Kavonia) warned that the so called Kavonian Crisis was a very threat to the nations existence. '' These Kavonian dogs seek to provoke a war and overrun our borders like they have in ages past. We say again as a people, no more! We will fight to the last inch, the last drop of blood to keep these savages from our sacred soil! '' It is expected that Tacik will run for parliament in the upcoming elections, though no announcement is forthcoming. The government has denied that Tacik's position reflects their own but it is rumored that Tacik enjoys widespread support within the officer corp of the Royal Army. -- SPEND 1 POLITICAL CLOUT TO RECRUIT GENERAL