Telling people not to rape is like telling a murderer to stop killing. These people are twisted in the head and there is no changing that. I do agree that the US is completely and utterly fucked up with its court systems especially as of late. Exhibit A would be Brock Turner (is this his name? I don't care. That subhuman piece of shit should only be referred to as "rapist". Nonetheless, I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about) case. Because of this case, I was actually almost swayed to believe that "rape culture" existed, but I think the outcries of the sane speak against that. America isn't a rape culture, it's a rich culture. Previously named rapist got away with his crimes because his family is wealthy. In my opinion, it doesn't matter what you do: thievery (I mean, why, if you're rich?), murder, rape or anything else, if you have the money to pay for it, you'll probably get away with it, it's disgusting. Anyway, back to the top on hand, sorry, strayed off a bit. . . Men who are convicted of rape should be punished. Women who are convinced of rape should be punished. Men and women who lie about rape should be punished. Simple as that. Men should not be punished for rape alone. Women should not be punished for rape alone. Unfortunately, it is a problem with people as a whole and it isn't gender exclusive. Rapes penetrated by men may seem higher, but may be because rape done by women isn't typically taken seriously. We don't know that though. There may be a correlation, but no causation. [b]Do not blame men for rape. Do not blame women for rape.[/b] And most importantly: take a self-defense class. Seriously, it helps against this stuff, makes you feel healthier and more like a badass. I do MMA and I started because it because of past trauma (for any skeptics, yes, I sat down in a fucking neuropsychologist's office for six and a half hours to see what was wrong with me and I was diagnosed with PTSD due to having shitty parents for the first sixteen years of my life. If one more person says Twitter gave them PTSD outside of a joking context, I will lose my shit, literally) and all it has done is good for me. It raised my confidence, self-esteem and so on. If you're worried about ever facing rape, be you a man or a woman, I can't stress the recommendation of taking a self-defense course or something related.