"GREAT WORK GUYS! EXCELLENT FORMATION!" "SHUT THE HELL UP, DONUT!" Nate pinched the bridge of his nose as he listened to his clones yell at each other across the distance they had spread out. Thankfully he was now far enough away that the sound of them was fading somewhat. The weirdly chipper one that the others had christened Donut was aggravating him. He was way too cheery and friendly. Not like Nate at all. Was he a defective clone? He would have put it down to a random fluke, something that went wrong in the cloning process that altered the clones brain chemistry, if it wasn't for the fact that five was being weird too. It was less obvious than Donut but Nate saw it. Five was miserable. Bordering on emo. Nate was a generally happy person by nature. Not to the extent that Donut was but he was happy. Five was anything but. Seeing two such diametrically opposed sides of his own personality was confusing and weird. It probably warranted deeper introspection. That would be the logical thing to do. So naturally, Nate chose to ignore it entirely. Despite how much he wanted to punch Donut in the face, he was right. The clones had spread out far enough to get a good view of the area surrounding the mine. If anyone tried to sneak up on them, the clones would see them. That meant Nate was free to get back to the others and explore their new digs. Nate stepped out of the tree line about ten feet away from Jennifer and looked the group over. They all looked miserable and Nate wondered if five's mood was contagious. "Wow." he mumbled to himself. "Real fun crowd you've got here, Nate." Choosing to ignore the sulking Vin to Christi, he instead made his way over to JJ. Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he asked "Jennifer dear, have you ever seen the movie Beneath?"