[center][h1]The Saurilian Empire[/h1] [img]https://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/sawl__292291.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][h2]The Karalian Crisis[/h2][/center] The Saurilian Empire extends its hands to help the Seljuk Empire put down its rebels by planning to send 60 of their newest inventions, the Havka Machine Guns, to them once they had been produced along with 10,000 able bodied Saurilian men. Saurilia goes to show that even if the Seljuk are on another side of a different conflict, would not mean that the Empie would not offer aid if it saw fit, this was a fitting moment. It was a favor of good will and ask for nothing in return, however, the mobilization of the southern country may draw their interests elsewhere. Though, Saurilia has no plans to go to war in the future and instead expand upon itself. [center][h2]Kavonian Mobilization[/h2][/center] The Queen releases another statement about the Kavonians, solidifying Saurilian attitude towards the small Republic to the south. [i]"The mobilization, while even partial, goes to show how hypocritical the Kavonian Republic is. Are they so above us all that they may complain about peacekeeping so far as to go mobilize part of their soldiers? Are the nations backing this Republic so sure that they would want to support these hypocrites? I would implore all nations involving themselves in this conflict to please reconsider, why they would choose to side with a nation who blatantly wishes for another state to give up the right to defend itself. If we are so against war or are threated by war, then why instigate one?"[/i] [hider=Monthly production] [b][u]MONTHLY PRODUCTION[/u][/b] -- [b][Lithuanian Arms Manufactory][/b] - [[b]Arms Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Arms Production[/b]] - [[i]Havka Machine Gun[/i]] - [[i]192 Machine Guns total[/i]] -- [b][Heil Munitions Factory][/b] - [[b]Arms Factory[/b]] - [[b]+20% Arms Production[/b]] - [[i] Havka Machine Gun[/I]] - [[I]192 Machine Guns total][/I] -- [b][Vault Textiles Providers][/b] - [b][Textile Factory][/b] - [b][+20% Income/-25% Arms Production][/b] - [i][$120,000,000][/i] -- [b][Vault Textiles Providers][/b] - [b][Textile Factory][/b] - [b][+20% Income/-25% Arms Production][/b] - [i][$120,000,000][/i] [/hider] [hider=Political Clout Points] Currently - 4 points -1 point from General Recruitment; Field Marshal Simon Goldbach -3 points from Improve Relations with Dongaria [/hider]