For those over-achievers, here is the cs if you want to get started [h1][center][b]Character Template[/b][/center][/h1] [center][img]Appearance (no anime but it doesn't have to be realistic)[/img] [h2]Name here[/h2] [b]Race:[/b] (input here) [b]Age:[/b] (input here) [b]Element(s):[/b] (Drakkens's two and Gem's One) [b]Height:[/b] (input here) [b]Bio:[/b] (The bio doesn't have to long, as I like developing the character and their background as the rp goes. But you can write as much as you like.)[b]Other:[/b] (input here)[/center] OOC: You are welcome to customize the above character sheet :) [hider] Current Group Dynamics: [color=4169E1]Husband/Female but Husband All the Same[/color] and [color=F08080]Wives [/color] Mr.SingleAndReadytoStopKillingHisBridesAnyDayNow: [color=4169E1]Lugft Huron[/color] Mr.QuestionableSanityandHisEquallyMadWives: [color=4169E1]Azilon [/color][color=F08080]Rya and Aelia[/color] Mr.CollectoroftheSmols: [color=4169E1]Zakroti Unalim[/color][color=F08080] Aymiria and Aerienna Cassiel and Kasari Liesma [/color] HisMajestyHerSelf: [color=4169E1]Lady Siadamkiru Beneni[/color][color=F08080]Sorrin Lucielle and Onyx[/color] TheFlowerGarden: [color=4169E1]Lord Cuwarr Naxremis [/color][color=F08080] Kalani [/color] TheIronBorn: [color=4169E1]Exon Xe’Jah[/color] [color=F08080]Nadia [/color] [/hider] Link to Old Rp: