"No, dear Nate, I have not seen [i]Beneath[/i]. But let me guess, it's some B-list horror movie about a group of close friends who stumble into a mineshaft and are then killed by the big bad monster inside." She gave him a playful shove, mainly out of relief that he was back with the rest of them. Vin and her were completely out of their element here, so of course they're going to want (or need) Nate to help them move along. Not that they would openly admit it, or at least she hoped that was the case with Vin, as inflating Nate's ego would only make him 10 times more annoying than he already was. "I'm afraid I already know the answer to this next question of mine, but are we really going [i]in there[/i]? Are you sure there isn't an alternative? I'm just scared for our lives, Nate. Staying in that mineshaft makes us sitting ducks and I know Vin, Christi, and myself would much rather avoid that sort of trouble, regardless of how fast it gets your adrenaline flowing."