8-Ball gave a hard crank at the pipe with his wrench to stop the air pressure from leaking out further. This is the third one he's found on the ship in the last month. Sooner or later he would have to replace the whole system for the ship, and he was the one who was going to have to fix it... Another twist and the pipe was locked back into the main connector. A sigh of relief came out of him, before it blew open again. The air now coming out as a fog, concealing the bot. This time he gave it a hard turn and quickly reached in his shoulder slung bag to retrieve the bonding tape. With a couple of wraps, it stuck to the actual connector. Hopefully for good this time. He carefully took out his ship scanner, before all the alerts started going off. Without question he shoved the scanner back in his bag and began to sprint to Hanger 1, now running on all fours. Opening a com-link with Makobi, 8-Ball informed him of the existing problem. "[color=f26522]Excuse me Makobi, but the only shuttle that is fully operational is Shuttle 2. It is currently behind Shuttle 1, which has a coolant leak and possibly electrical malfunctions. I will be in the hanger in a few minutes to prep it, but we will need you to move Shuttle 1 out of the way.[/color]"