[center][h2][i]Scarlett[/i][/h2][/center] Scarlett was walking around the camp as some of the hunters were coming back from a hunt, she lowered her head as she passed by and headed over to the area in which the cubs were playing. Scarlett picked a spot not too far from them and laid down her head on her paws. She wondered if someday she would have cubs of her own. [center][h2][i]Clare[/i][/h2][/center] Clare was playing close to the other kids swatting around a pebble with her tiny paws. She was having fun, but with the nanny wolf watching, she was not going to be able to sneak away to explore the camp on her own. It was not the first time she tried to sneak off but she was always spotted before she got far before she was brought back. [Center][h2][i]Rosette, Kayla, and Jackie[/i][/h2][/center] [@Polaris North][@The Elvenqueen] Rosette and her two cubs were trailing through and field headed for a cave that was not too far from where they were when they got closer to the cave she caught the scent over other tiger, adults, and cubs. She continued to approach her two cubs following just beside her, but she was cautious on her approach she did not want to seem a threat as she and her cub's Kayla and Jackie followed. She needed to get them out of the open and the cave was the best option as the cave came into view she could see the other tigers standing just outside as the male went in to check inside she continued to move closer but slower to show she was not a threat as her cubs were also visible to the other tigers. "Mama are we going inside that cave to sleep?" Kayla asked. "I hope so but it is going to be up to the family of tigers already there as they are there first." "Alright mama cause me and Jackie are getting tired," Kayla said back with a big yawn. "I know baby, I know." Rosette replied looking at the other tigers knowing they could smell her and her cubs by now.