I want to make a space trinidad or somalia, is that okay? At some point in the future the colors on cards flipped- you now get red clubs and spades while having black hearts and diamonds. The reason may come down to a rather weird world-state that isn't really affilated with any country. More or less a neutral zone place where scummier parts of humanity may dwell. Some scummy corporation dominated world state that is a de facto central point of space piracy that gained a rather distinctive culture, at least in the bizarre looks it has. [hider=Image of inspiration] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/ce30/i/2016/247/a/5/anarchonic_by_zoppadoppa-dagi4md.jpg[/img] [/hider] It'll (extremely loosely- the image I posted borders on surreal) be based on this image, some parts anyways. The alien in the image could also be included, but their tech level will be demoted to pre-industrial since I feel like the Juhseungi and whatever the Oracle came from are already enough in terms of interstellar alien civilizations. Not to mention I think having a less advanced alien species out there humans happen upon in a colonization effort could lead to interesting plot-lines.