Rudavegas just nodded his head, taking in whatever information his little goblin brain could soak up in this state of confusion and worry that he might be a few steps from death any time now. When people began to move to go to sleep and do whatever else, not intent on doing anything negative to him for the moment at least, he took a seat exactly where he was dropped. Sighing, he leaned on his staff as he sat, eyeing the campfire for a moment before his gaze drifted over to Dorisma. "That, uhh, won't be necessary. I'm smart enough to know when not to screw with someone. Attacking one of y'all would open up one hell of a hornet's nest on my ass." With that, he leaned up against a nearby log and continued. "But enough about me... you lot don't seem much for conversation, huh? Why is that, exactly?"