[quote=@Arawak] I want to make a space trinidad or somalia, is that okay? At some point in the future the colors on cards flipped- you now get red clubs and spades while having black hearts and diamonds. The reason may come down to a rather weird world-state that isn't really affilated with any country. More or less a neutral zone place where scummier parts of humanity may dwell. Some scummy corporation dominated world state that is a de facto central point of space piracy that gained a rather distinctive culture, at least in the bizarre looks it has.[/quote] There's already a significant amount of smaller states intended to be NPC'd with varying degrees of alignment, advancement and so on - adding something player controlled into that isn't something I oppose. The problem is that space piracy - while a serious problem in certain areas, are generally confined to their system of operation with minor spill over into neighbours who can't control their node entries (which itself would imply everything's gone to shit, but y'know :P), which can limit the scope of what you may be aiming for depending on where the dice roll put you and I wouldn't want you to go in blind. You're perfectly entitled to apply for a corporation itself or a scattered merc gone pirate band or something similar - or just a less cared about UN sponsored program if you're opting for a core-east african feel, maybe with a world of operation down a line of nodes no-one has bothered to exploit or pay attention to beyond finding you again, if you so choose, rather than putting yourself down somewhere where people may just act immediately against you. Such a thing might encourage me to allow you your token aliens, but otherwise the intent is that there are no other sapient aliens of note at this current point - though plans are in place to change that if the RP requires it :). As for your offer of map making, you're more than welcome to give it a go - it might be a bit of a pain given that theres been 200~ years of slapdash colonization and node lines don't necessary connect to neighbouring stars (though a map would condense and present this reasonably) - but most larger nations would control tens of systems which could get old fast, so I wouldn't want you doing anything you wouldn't enjoy. [@thecircus] If you really want to do that, then do say, otherwise I'd rather not push you out of what you were looking forward to doing in the first place :).