Here's one character I'm almost finished with, in case you're interested in playing as her. [hider=Elizabeth Sinclair] [b]Name[/b]: Elizabeth “Lizzie” Sinclair [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Profession[/b]: Colonial Affairs Junior Administrator for the Mars Colony [b]Nationality[/b]: British, Commonwealth [b]Birth Planet[/b]: Earth [i](But she spent most of her adult life on Mars)[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: Elizabeth is a petite brunette with sharp blue eyes that carry a sense of mischief and intellect. She is by all accounts attractive, and she often wears a smirk that seems to be a precursor for a witty retort. She stands at 5’4”, and is in pretty fit shape for a government official. Elizabeth’s hair is often done up in a loose bun, and she teeters between looking professional and being comfortable. The result is her own unique style, which gives off the impression that she really doesn’t care what anyone else thinks, but has still managed to have quite a successful career despite it. [b]Strengths[/b]: Primary – Elizabeth is highly intelligent and resourceful, having managed to rise from total obscurity into a prestigious post in the Commonwealth’s governing administration on Mars. Secondary – Elizabeth has a silver tongue; she is gifted in the art of conversation, and can almost always win someone over to her side with enough time and exposure. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Primary – Elizabeth has zero combat training, other than very basic self-defense lessons taught to her by her father as a child. As a result, she is near useless in a combat zone, and must rely much more heavily on her charisma than her martial ability. Secondary – She has the tendency to bite off more than she can chew: whenever opportunity comes knocking, she takes it, regardless of if she has the time or skill to handle it. Usually she’s able to feign stability, though there have been times where this has come back to haunt her. [b]Personality[/b]: Elizabeth is disarmingly genuine, to the point where most people forget that they’re talking to a bureaucrat. She insists that people call her Lizzie or Liz, and remains optimistic even at the darkest of times. She is the unique mix of ambitious and kind: willing to do anything both to further herself and help all those around her. Additionally, she has a sharp wit, and is one of the first ones to crack a joke when it is needed. Most of the time, she simply doesn’t let things get to her – when they do, Elizabeth becomes quiet and detached, but rarely ever lashes out. [b]History[/b]: Elizabeth was born in Canterbury, England, to a nurse (her mother) and a police officer (her father). As a child she seemed to have a natural charisma, and made friends with everyone even as she excelled and thrived in an academic setting. She was an exemplary student in college, graduating third in her class at Oxford, and was offered a job as an administrative aide immediately after graduation. After about two years, she was offered a promotion in the Mars colony and took it, boarding a shuttle and leaving her family and her planet. Upon reaching Mars, she found that the largest human colony was beset with a myriad of issues. The birth rate was off the charts following the successes of the Bessel Station’s sustainability initiative, securing the stability of food for the colony. The population was growing at an alarming rate, and the infrastructure simply could not accommodate it. Elizabeth set to work fixing that. She dedicated the next five years of her life to getting things done from a position of obscurity, before being praised personally by the Colonial Governor of Hampton (The Commonwealth colony on Mars) and promoted yet again, this time as a junior administrator for the Global Coalition, in the upper echelons of the colonial political sphere. From this position, she had the ability to develop relationships with some of the most powerful people in the solar system – including the Governor, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, and Francois Moreau, the Executive Director of Colonial Affairs for the Global Coalition. It was he who asked her to join the expedition to the Willman Lab, as he felt that her resourcefulness and administrative talents may be of great use in the case of a potential colonial catastrophe. [b]Family[/b]: Elizabeth has a brother, Aaron, who is four years her junior and is currently an associate at a law firm on Earth. Both of her parents are still alive, and are retired and in their sixties living in England. [/hider] ALSO: To all, I'll be away for some of this weekend, in a place where it will be difficult to access the internet. Therefore I may be around to respond to OOC stuff, and maybe add to the opening post lore a bit, but I won't be putting up the IC until sunday. That being said, I [b]will[/b] be putting up the IC on sunday night. This is a fact. This will happen. Get pumped.