[color=greenyellow][h3][center]Emma[/center][/h3][/color] [@Aurliena Nova] [@Argetlam350] [color=greenyellow]"Thanks,"[/color] Emma said, following Graeden, still out of breath. As soon as she saw Eun-mi, the words came out in a rush. [color=greenyellow]"Darthun... he needs you, he isn't well... I-I tried doing something, I cast a spell, Maia tried to teach me, it went wrong, I said it wrong... plants wouldn't stop growing, Darthun helped get me out, but..."[/color] Emma stopped babbling and took a deep breath. [color=greenyellow]"He's outside, with Maia. I think he's just tired."[/color] She clung to the hope that it was nothing serious. She'd never imagined things could go sour this quickly. She turned to head out again, waiting for Eun-mi to follow. Now, parts of this world seemed just as dangerous as they were fascinating. What had she expected, really? The rest of nature could be described that way, why would anything be different here?