[@Ghost Queen] John and I discussed this, and if you're talking about having things like catgirls and other [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LittleBitBeastly]Little Bit Beastly[/url] characters... well, let me put it this way: chimeras aren't exactly "oh look at me I am soooo hot now because I'm part animal" entities. Mutating one's DNA with animal DNA is going to make you look like a humanoid animal, including your head. A realistic dog head on a roughly humanoid body isn't my idea of an attractive person, though for beings that themselves have been modified with animal DNA, opinions may differ. Indeed, the more types of animal go into mutating yourself, the less human you're going to look and potentially act; beyond three distinct animals, there's a good chance that your sapience will cease to be, and that your physical form will just be... a mess. Since the human DNA gets drowned out by the other DNA, and all.