[@Taeryn]Sapient alien wise I think there'd be a chance of a Stone or Bronze Age species of sorts mucking about somewhere on a coveted A-class or B-class world. Most likely in the fringes. Or maybe a E-class world with sulfuric acid oceans and theoretically breathable air that burns your insides due to the acidic content has one and no one bothered look on since it's a hell world. However such species would be unknowns that would only become known as the IC needs of it. On the subject of the faction it's a bit messy in my head, but the general idea is something of a failed state with extreme wealth inequality, lack of enforced law and a massively seedy underbelly. One planet would have 60% of the GDP while the rest tend to rely on piracy and scamming along with illegal trade in novelty biological augments to get by when phosphorus, helium and Jovian Diamond harvesting simply isn't enough. (Diamond icebergs exist in ice Giants and I figure by 2291 it is possible to dive that deep into a ice giant. It's dangerous to get them but the exotic appeal of Jovian diamonds as a luxury product makes them quite coveted despite being in vast quantities. Certain Ice Giants like Uranus or Neptune have additional value to them simply because of their world of origin being so near Earth. The price comes from how dangerous it is to retrieve the icebergs. A wealthy person with a continent to him/herself likely would want a Jovian diamond, refined into a massive jewel as a center price of their vanity projects. Less wealthy people get the chips.) On FTL, is there any formula used for the nodes or is it wholly random?