“Eats” shook his head as he listened to the mission brief. “A scratch team and a shitty mission”, he thought to himself. But the personnel were well-trained and experienced; Morse, his partner, was an ex- Delta operator with light infantry experience, the Doc was an ex-Dutch KCT type. And Convel, Doc’s partner, was an ex-marine Raider. “So it shouldn’t be TOO fucked up” he muttered to himself. Miller; the briefing officer, team leader, whoever he was continued his briefing; detailing the environment, target information, and possible threats. ‘Uhili shook his head as he rubbed his forehead. “Christians in Action” he muttered, “Why do we have to clean up their mess?” 25 minutes later, “Eats” is finishing up his final equipment check, ensuring that he could operate self-supported for 3 days at least. He made sure his weapons were loaded and secure just as the buzzer sounded. He smiled and shook his head as he heard the standard line, just a change of employers; "Gentlemen, this is your stop. Thank you for flying with Cygnus Airlines, we hope you had a pleasant flight. Don't forget to grab your free parachute on the way out. Ramp opening in 3...2...1...” ‘Uhili exited the aircraft last, did a quick “3 count” and pulled his d-ring. His PD Zero opened correctly, and he let of a breath. Jumps still gave him the willies at all of these years. Another sight check of his equipment, and “Eats” did a nav check and began tracking on his partner. A few minutes later the team was over the platforms. “I just love a hot DZ!” “Eats” muttered, when he heard the sound of gunfire and saw the explosions. Releasing his equipment bag’s drop line and then landing lightly, he dumped the air out of his ‘chute and began bringing it in. After securing his equipment and readying his BRMC, ‘Uhili put on his MICH 2000 helmet and trotted in the direction of Morse.