The fourth floor of the sprawling basement hummed with increasing energy as the Tournament of Legends' finale approached. With only a few minutes left until 1 pm, volunteers began to lead Alain, Drystan, and Rebeca to their starting places. The wall that had formerly split the cavern in half had been lowered into the ground below, creating one monstrous stone battlefield. Most of the faces in the audience were the same. The mayor seemed to have convinced his wife to attend the finale, but their children weren't present. Mrs. Mayer anxiously eyed the Avatars while occasionally nodding at appropriate times in her husband's one-sided conversation. Many former competitors were also present. Emry had conked out soon after lunch. Solomon had propped her up in the chair beside him and planned to wake her just before the start of the battle. The Lucario absentmindedly twirled a strand of her blond hair as he scanned the crowd. Some of the volunteers gave Emry curious looks, but they hurried back to their work, their minds too busy to linger on one former competitor for very long. One new face was that of Justine Huang. The CEO sported a hefty sling on her right arm and a few bandages on her face and left arm. Other than that, she looked pretty well for a woman who was bombed just yesterday. Justine had an exhausted air about her as she conversed with one of the many nurses lining the arena. Ten feet away, Porygon-Z hovered low to the ground, also exhibiting much less energy than it had previously. Every once in a while, the pink Pokemon let out what seemed to be a sad sigh.