[@Bright_Ops] The question that John pulled out of the bowl read: if you could make one wish what would it be. Both of you must explain the reason for the wish you make and be able to explain your partners wish to the group. [@Alisdragon911] The question that Iris pulled out of the bowl read: what is the one habit you could give up if you could, why, and how can your spouse help you overcome this habit. Both of you must explain your partner's desire to change and how you can help them tk the group. [@SirSqueakalot91] The question that Roger pulled out of the bowl read: What do you hope this marriage brings you. Both of you must explain your partner's desire and if you feel you can offer this to them and why or why not. [@Pineappletumble] The question that James pulled out of the bowl read: If you could visit any period in time what tine would you could and why.Both of you must explain when and wherw your partners wish to travel as well as why they wish to go and if you would go with them. [@Framing A Moose] The question that Phoenix pulled from the bowl read: What is your biggestfear when it comes to this marriage. How can your spouse help you over come that fear? Both of you should be prepared to explain your partners fear and how you will help them overcome it. [@Alisdragon911] The quest that Lila pulled out if bowl read: What is the strangest dream you remember having. Both of you should be prepared to share your partners dream and how you feel about it.